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Musicpy daw module composition code examples

Rainbow Dreamer edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 5 revisions

With musicpy's daw module you can make more realistic music, also you are not only limited to MIDI files, you can read and output mp3, ogg, wav and other audio files, load audio samples, SoundFont files and so on as instruments on the daw's tracks. This chapter is some code examples of composing with musicpy's daw module.

Please note that some of the instrument files loaded in these examples are SoundFont files, which are not available for download here because of possible copyright issues, you can find these SoundFont files online by name. There is a link at the end of each example for the audition of the music files generated by these code examples.

1. A small piece of electronic dance music

from musicpy.daw import *

current_daw = daw(3)
current_daw.load(0, 'EMU II ACOUSTIC GUITAR.sf2')
current_daw.load(1, 'Arachno.sf2')

bass1 = chord('A1') % (1,) * 4
bass2 = (chord('A1, A2') % (1/16, 1/8) * 4 |
         chord('G1, G2') % (1/16, 1/8) * 4 |
         chord('F1, F2') % (1/16, 1/8) * 4 |
         chord('D1, D2') % (1/16, 1/8) * 4)

guitar1 = (C('Am/A', 3) @ [1,2,3,4,2,3,4,3] % (1, 1/8) |
C('G/A', 3) @ [1,2,3,4,2,3,4,3] % (1, 1/8) |
C('F/A', 3) @ [1,3,1.1,2.1,3,1.1,2.1,1.1] % (1, 1/8) |
C('Dm/A', 3) @ [1,3,1.1,2.1,3,1.1,2.1,1.1] % (1, 1/8))

guitar2 = (C('Am', 4) @ [2,3,1.1,2.1,3,1.1,2.1,1.1] % (1, 1/8) |
C('G', 4) @ [2,3,1.1,2.1,3,1.1,2.1,1.1] % (1, 1/8) |
C('F', 4) @ [2,3,1.1,2.1,3,1.1,2.1,1.1] % (1, 1/8) |
C('Dm', 4) @ [2,3,1.1,2.1,3,1.1,2.1,1.1] % (1, 1/8))

drum1 = drum('S[l:.8; i:.; r:4], S[l:.16; i:.], S[l:.8; i:.], S[l:.16; i:.], S[l:.8; i:.], S[l:.8; i:.]').notes
drum2 = drum('H, a:.16;., r:16').notes
drum1 &= drum2
drum3 = drum('K, H, S, H, K[l:.16; i:.], K[l:.8; i:.], H[l:.16; i:.], S[l:.8; i:.], H[l:.8; i:.]').notes

synth_pad1 = chord('E5, G5, C6') % (1,) | chord('E5, B5, D6') % (1,) | chord('E5, A5, C6') % (1,) | chord('D5, F5, A5') % (1,)

bass_part = (bass1 * 2 | bass2 * 4) + 3
guitar_part = (guitar1 * 2 | guitar2 * 4) + 3
drum_part = (drum1 * 4 | drum3 * 16)
synth_pad_part = (synth_pad1 * 4) + 3

result = P(tracks=[bass_part, guitar_part, drum_part, synth_pad_part],
           instruments=[34, 3, 26, 51],
           channels=[0, 1, 9, 2],
           daw_channels=[1, 0, 1, 1],
           start_times=[0, 0, 4, 8],

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2. a small piece of The Trooper - Iron Maiden by musicpy

from musicpy.daw import *

current_daw = daw(3)
current_daw.load(0, 'Arachno.sf2')

guitar11 = translate('D, G, D, a:1/8;., E[l:1/4; i:.], G[l:1/8; i:.] | F#, G, F#, G, a:1/16;., n:1, B[l:1/8; i:.], G[l:1/8; i:.], u:1, G[l:1/8; i:.], E[l:1/8; i:.], E[l:1/4; i:.]') * 2

guitar12 = translate('D, G, D, a:1/8;., E[l:1/4; i:.]')

guitar1_part = guitar11 * 2 + guitar12

bass1 = translate('D2, G2, D2, a:1/8;.')

bass2 = translate('E2[l:.4; i:.] | E2[l:.16; i:.; r:2], E2[l:.8; i:.], n:1, u:1, r:4, E2[l:.16; i:.; r:2], D2[l:.8; i:.; r:3]')

bass3 = translate('C2[l:.4; i:.] | C2[l:.16; i:.; r:2], C2[l:.8; i:.], n:1, u:1, r:4, C2[l:.16; i:.; r:2], D2[l:.8; i:.; r:3]')

bass4 = translate('D2, G2, D2, a:1/8;., E2[l:.4; i:.]')

bass_part = bass1 + bass2 * 2 + bass3 + bass2[:-3] + bass4

drum_part = drum('C;S;K[l:1/4; i:.], H, S, H, K, H, S, H, K, H, S, H, S[r:3], r:4, C;S;K[l:1/4; i:.]').notes

guitar21 = translate('F#, G, F#, a:1/8;., G[l:1/4; i:.], B4[l:1/8; i:.] | A, B, A, B, a:1/16;., n:1, D5[l:1/8; i:.], B4[l:1/8; i:.], u:1, B[l:1/8;i:.], G[l:1/8; i:.], G[l:1/4; i:.]') * 2

guitar22 = translate('F#, G, F#, a:1/8;., G[l:1/4; i:.]')

guitar2_part = guitar21 * 2 + guitar22


result = P(tracks=[guitar1_part, bass_part, drum_part, guitar2_part],
           instruments=[31, 34, 1, 31],
           channels=[0, 1, 9, 2],
           daw_channels=[0, 0, 0, 0],
           start_times=[0, 0, 3/8, 0],

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3. a small piece of Rolling Star - Yui by musicpy

from musicpy.daw import *

current_daw = daw(3)
current_daw.load(0, 'Arachno.sf2')

bass11 = translate('B1[l:.8; i:.; r:8], D2[l:.8; i:.; r:8], A1[l:.8; i:.; r:8], G1[l:.8; i:.; r:8]')
bass12 = translate('G1[l:.8; i:.; r:6], A1[l:.8; i:.; r:2]')
bass1 = bass11 * 2 | bass12

guitar11 = translate('B3[l:.4; i:.], D4[l:.8; i:.], E4[l:3/8; i:.], D4[l:.8; i:.], E4[l:.8; i:.]')
guitar12 = guitar11.down(2, 0)
guitar13 = guitar12.down(1, [1, 3])
guitar14 = translate('G3[l:.4; i:.], B3[l:.8; i:.], A4[l:5/8; i:.]')
guitar1 = (guitar11|guitar12|guitar13|guitar14) * 2

rhythm_guitar11 = C('B5(+octave)',2) % (1/8, 0) * 8
rhythm_guitar12 = (rhythm_guitar11 | rhythm_guitar11 + 3 |
                   rhythm_guitar11 - 2 | rhythm_guitar11 - 4)
rhythm_guitar13 = C('G5(+octave)',2) % (1/8, 0) * 5 | C('A5(+octave)',2) % (1/8, 0) * 3
rhythm_guitar = rhythm_guitar12 * 2 | rhythm_guitar13

drum11 = drum('C;K, H, S, H | K, H, S, H, r:5, C;K, H;S[r:2], PH, OH, S;OH[r:3]').notes
drum12 = drum('C;K;H;S, H;S[r:2], PH, OH, S;OH[r:3]').notes
drum1 = drum11 * 2 | drum12

synth11 = translate('D5[l:.8; i:.], B5[l:.8; i:.], r:16')
synth1 = synth11

result = P(tracks=[bass1, guitar1, rhythm_guitar, drum1, synth1],
           instruments=[34, 31, 28, 1, 91],
           channels=[0, 1, 2, 9, 3],
           daw_channels=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
           start_times=[0, 0, 0, 0, 4],

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4. mysterious and ethereal piano soundtrack

from musicpy.daw import *

current_daw = daw(3)
current_daw.load(0, 'Arachno.sf2')

part1 = get_chord('bb2', 'm11')%(1/2,1/8)@[1,3,5,4.1,2.2,6.1,5.1,4.1]
part2 = get_chord('g2', 'M9#11')%(1/2,1/8)@[1,3,5,4.1,2.2,6.1,5.1,4.1]
part3 = get_chord('gb2', '13sus')%(1/2,1/8)@[1,3,4,5,2.1,6,4.1,5.1]
result = (part1 * 4 | (part1-2) * 2 | part2 | part3) * 2
result_piece = P([result], instruments=[5], bpm=100)

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