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joshua-roberts edited this page Aug 26, 2024 · 4 revisions

See PML [lexer](TODO INSERT PATH TO lexer) and [grammar](path to grammar) for full documentation and details. The below ANTLR4 definitions have been slightly modified for readability.


The syntax for basic PML statements is loosely based on Golang)


// this is line comment  
  this is a block comment  


ID: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+;  

Data Types

| bool    
| []variableType    
| map[variableType]variableType    
| any ;  

The any type will compile without error regardless of expected type. However, during execution if the evaluated type does not match the expected, an error will occur. 


Expressions are the fundamental way to define values in PML statements. Each expression has a type. Some statements will only support expressions of a certain type.


| boolLiteral                                            
| mapLiteral                        
| arrayLiteral ;  
stringLiteral: '"' (~["\\\r\n] | EscapeSequence)* '"' ;  
boolLiteral: (true | false) ;  
mapLiteral: '[' expression (',' expression)* ']' ;  
arrayLiteral: '{' expression: expression (',' expression: expression)* '}' ;  
fragment EscapeSequence    
    : '\\' [btnfr"'\\]    
    | '\\' ([0-3]? [0-7])? [0-7]    
    | '\\' 'u'+ HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit    
fragment HexDigits    
    : HexDigit ((HexDigit | '_')* HexDigit)?    
fragment HexDigit    
    : [0-9a-fA-F]    
  • Array elements are expressions
  • Map key and value elements are expressions


expression ('&&' | '||') expression  




expression ('==' | '!=') expression  

String Concatenation

expression + expression  

Only string expressions are supported.



The negation expression when evaluated will only affect the result if the expression is a boolean expression. For example if the expression evaluates to true, the negated expression will evaluate to false. For any other type, the negation is ignored.

Variable Reference

| variableReference index;  
'[' expression ']' #BracketNotation    
| '.' ID;  

RefByIndex requires the variableReference to be of type map. To use the DotNotation the  variable must be map with string keys.

Operation or routine invoke

ID '(' (expression (',' expression)*)? ')'  

Variable Declaration


'var' ID = expression  
ID := expression  

Group Declaration

'var ('  
(ID '=' expression)*  

Variable Reassignment

ID '=' expression  

The variable to be reassigned must already exist.

Variable Addition Reassignment

ID '+=' expression  

The variable must already exist AND be of type string.


'if' expression '{' statement* '}'   
('else if {' statement* '}' )*  
(else {' statement* '}' )?  


Use break and continue to short circuit 

'foreach' ID (',' ID)? 'in' expression '{' statement* '}'  ;  


for x in ["a", "b", "c"] {  

x will hold the current element in the array during iteration.


for x, y in {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} {  

x will hold the current key in the map during iteration.
y will hold the current value in the map during iteration.

Operations and Routines

('operation' | 'routine') ID '(' ('nodeop'? variableType ID (',' 'nodeop'? variableType ID)*)? ')' variableType? '{' checkStatement* '}' '{' statement* '}' ;    
  • nodeop denotes if the operand is a node operand.


Check if a user has an access right on a node or array of nodes. The first expression is the access right the second is the node or array of nodes. This statement will only take affect in an Operation, not a routine.

check expression on expression


Function that returns a string.

operation op1(a string, b []string, c map[string]string) string {  
	check "assign" on a
	check "assign_to" on b
}  {
		pml statements

Policy Statements

Create Policy Class

Create a policy class node with the given name, properties (optional) and attribute hierarchy (optional).

'create policy class' name=expression

Create Non Policy Class Nodes

Create a node of type object attribute, user attribute, object, or user with properties (optional) and assign it to a set of existing nodes.

'create' ('object attribute' | 'user attribute' | 'object' | 'user') name=expression    
'in' assignTo=expression    
  • name is a string expression.
  • properties is a map[string]string expression.
  • assignTo is a []string expression.

Set Node Properties

Set the properties for a node. This will overwrite any existing properties.

'set properties of' name=expression 'to' properties=expression  
  • name is a string expression.
  • properties is a map[string]string expression.


Assign a node to a set of nodes.

'assign' childNode=expression 'to' parentNodes=expression  
  • childNode is a string expression.
  • parentNodes is a []string expression.


Deassign a node from a set of nodes.

'deassign' childNode=expression 'from' parentNodes=expression  
  • childNode is a string expression.
  • parentNodes is a []string expression.


Create an association between two nodes with an access right set.

'associate' ua=expression 'and' target=expression 'with' accessRights=expression  
  • ua is a string expression.
  • target is a string expression.
  • accessRights is a []string expression.


Delete an association.

'dissociate' ua=expression 'and' target=expression  
  • ua is a string expression.
  • target is a string expression.

Create Prohibition

Create a new prohibition.

'create prohibition' name=expression    
'deny' ('user' | 'user attribute' | 'process') subject=expression    
'access rights' accessRights=expression    
'on' ('intersection'|'union') 'of' containers=expression ;  
  • name is a string expression.
  • subject is a string expression.
  • accessRights is a []string expression.
  • containers is a []string expression. Complement containers are specified using a negation expression, where the negated expression is a string. For example, !"oa1"

Create Obligation

Create new obligation. The author of the obligation will be the user that compiles and executes the PML.

    'create obligation' name=expression '{' createRuleStatement* '}';  
    'create rule' ruleName=expression  
    'when' subjectPattern  
    'performs' operationPattern  
    ('on' operandPattern)?  
    response ;  
// subject  
    'any user' #AnyUserPattern  
    | 'user' subjectPatternExpression #UserPattern;  
    | '!' subjectPatternExpression  
    | '(' subjectPatternExpression ')'  
    | left=subjectPatternExpression ('&&' | '||') right=subjectPatternExpression ;  
    'in' stringLit  // contained in
    | stringLit // equals
    | 'process' stringLit ;  
// operation  
    'any operation'  
    | stringLit ;  
// operands  
operandPattern: '{' (operandPatternElement (',' operandPatternElement)*)? '}' ;  
operandPatternElement: key=ID ':' (single=operandPatternExpression | multiple=operandPatternExpressionArray);  
operandPatternExpressionArray: '[' operandPatternExpression (',' operandPatternExpression)* ']' ;  
     | '!' operandPatternExpression  
     | '(' operandPatternExpression ')'  
     | left=operandPatternExpression ('&&' | '||') right=operandPatternExpression ;  
    | 'in' stringLit // contained in  
    | stringLit // equals ;  
// response  
    'do (' ID ')' responseBlock;  
    '{' responseStatement* '}' ;  
    | createRuleStatement  
    | deleteRuleStatement ;
  • name is a string expression.
  • ruleName is a string expression.
  • operand pattern expressions can only be defined for node operands of the given operation. Any non node operations (i.e. access rights) will be ignored.
  • if an event context operand is an array of nodes and
    • the operand expression is a single expression, the single expression will only need to match one element in the array
    • the operand expression is multiple expressions, each expression will be compared to the array as if it was a single expression

Delete Node/Prohibition/Obligation

Delete a node, prohibition, or obligation.

('policy class' | 'object attribute' | 'user attribute' | 'object' | 'user' | 'obligation' | 'prohibition') expression   
  • expression is a string expression.

Delete Obligation Rule

Delete a rule from an obligation. Can only be called from an obligation response block.

'delete rule' ruleName=expression 'from obligation' obligationName=expression ;  
  • ruleName is a string expression.
  • obligationName is a string expression.


  • Variables cannot be referenced from inside operations and routines.
  • A user context is needed when executing PML. This is only used for obligations to define the user to execute the response on behalf of in the EPP.
    • This user must exist before any obligation is created.
String pml = "...";  
pap.executePML(new UserContext("user1", pml));
  • Any operations and routines will be stored in the policy store.
  • All [admin policy nodes](INSERT. LINK) will be defined as constants during compilation and execution.
    create object attribute "oa1" assign to [PM_ADMIN_OBJECT]