I get a number of problems with MetaGraphs.
- The MetaGraph function of MetaGraphs does not convert a SimpleGraph to a MetaGraph. The error message refers to LightGraphs, which I uninstalled (rm LightGraphs) before adding Graphs.
- The vertices function works on a SimpleGraph and does not on a MetaGraph -> no method matching...
- The edges function works on a SimpleGraph and does not on a MetaGraph -> edges function not implemented
Any help is welcome.
PS: I am a biologist not very well skilled at Julia and programing in general.
julia> using Graphs, MetaGraphs, DataFrames, GraphDataFrameBridge
julia> g=complete_graph(3)
{3, 3} undirected simple Int64 graph
julia> mg=MetaGraphs.MetaGraph(g)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleGraph(::SimpleGraph{Int64})
Closest candidates are:
LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleGraph(::Any, ::Array{Vector{T}, 1}) where T at C:\Users\Laurent\.julia\packages\LightGraphs\IgJif\src\SimpleGraphs\simplegraph.jl:18
LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleGraph() at C:\Users\Laurent\.julia\packages\LightGraphs\IgJif\src\SimpleGraphs\simplegraph.jl:50
LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleGraph(::MetaGraph) at C:\Users\Laurent\.julia\packages\MetaGraphs\UlMik\src\metagraph.jl:50
[1] MetaGraph(x::SimpleGraph{Int64}, weightfield::Symbol, defaultweight::Float64)
@ MetaGraphs ~\.julia\packages\MetaGraphs\UlMik\src\metagraph.jl:14
[2] MetaGraph(x::SimpleGraph{Int64})
@ MetaGraphs ~\.julia\packages\MetaGraphs\UlMik\src\metagraph.jl:26
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[20]:1
julia> df = DataFrame(src=["g1", "g2", "g3"], dst=["g2", "g3", "g1"], weight=[1, 1 ,1])
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ src dst weight
│ String String Int64
1 │ g1 g2 1
2 │ g2 g3 1
3 │ g3 g1 1
julia> mg=GraphDataFrameBridge.MetaGraph(df, :src, :dst, weight=:weight)
{3, 3} undirected Int64 metagraph with Float64 weights defined by :weight (default weight 1.0)
julia> vertices(mg)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching vertices(::MetaGraph{Int64, Float64})
Closest candidates are:
vertices(::Graphs.SimpleGraphs.AbstractSimpleGraph) at C:\Users\Laurent\.julia\packages\Graphs\Mih78\src\SimpleGraphs\SimpleGraphs.jl:58
vertices(::AbstractGraph) at C:\Users\Laurent\.julia\packages\Graphs\Mih78\src\interface.jl:181
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[23]:1
julia> vertices(g)
julia> edges(mg)
ERROR: method edges not implemented.
[1] _NI(m::String)
@ Graphs ~\.julia\packages\Graphs\Mih78\src\interface.jl:16
[2] edges(g::MetaGraph{Int64, Float64})
@ Graphs ~\.julia\packages\Graphs\Mih78\src\interface.jl:207
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[25]:1
julia> edges(g)
SimpleEdgeIter 3
No labels