A companion for:
- My Raspberry Pi guide
- My Linux guide
- Self-hosting
- Install Portainer/Dockge and get ready to deploy docker containers with a UI.
- You can also build MultiArch container images for your projects with GHActions. Example Project
- Introduction: Why Docker?
- Back-up related containers
- Business apps related containers
- Communication apps related containers
- IoT Containers
- Media Containers
- Security and Privacy related Containers
- Web related Containers
- Ways to Contribute
Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
Containers allow us to package up an application with all of the parts it needs to work properly - such as libraries and other dependencies, and deploy it as one package.
Everything needed to run a software application successfully can be stored in a container to make development and deployment more efficient.
I have been collecting/adapting the config files to install with Docker several Apps and consolidated it on this repository for anyone that might find it helpful.
Click to know which Apps 🐋👈
- Duplicati ✔️
- Filerun ✔️
- Nextcloud
- RPI ✔️
- Recommended Apps: cospend (moneybuster Android)
- Others: Duplicity, Urbackup
- Photos:
- LibrePhotos
- Lychee
- Photonix
- Photoprism
- Photoview 📃 ✔️ -> file system friendly
- Piwigo
- RClone ✔️
- RSync
- RSnapshot
- Samba ✔️
- Seafile
- Syncthing ✔️
- ERPs:
- ERPNext
- Dolibarr ✔️
- Odoo (ex- OpenERP) ✔️ * Invoicing:
- Crater Invoices
- Invoice Ninja
- Solid Invoice (x86 only) * Management:
- Vikunja ✔️
- Leantime (x86 & ARM, ✔️)
- Chats:
- Matrix with Synapse 📃 ✔️
- Others: Revolt, RocketChat, Jitsi, Discourse
- Mail:
- iRedMail
- Mailcow
- Mailinabox
- Mailserver
- Mailu (rspamd)
- Poste
- Postfix
- FreshRSS ✔️
- WebTops
- Gitea ✔️
- Gogs
- Gitlab CE
- VSCode Server ✔️
- Jenkins
- Airflow
- Gitbucket
- OneDev #includes kanban board
- SnippetBox ✔️
- Bunddle your Apps
- SSGs -> Static Webs Generators
- Automations:
- Domoticz
- Home Assistant ✔️
- Home Bridge
- OpenHab
- Internet speed tracker ✔️
- OpenSpeedTest ✔️
- BI Tools:
- Metabase
- Apache Superset
- Redash
- Dashboards:
- NetData ✔️
- Grafana with Prometheus (internet speed) ✔️
- Grafana with Prometheus (internet + device with node exporter)
- Grafana with Graphite StatsD
- Grafana with InfluxDB (Temperature measuring)
- Grafana with Proxmox and InfluxDB
- Grafana with Proxmox and Graphite
- Grafana with Node-Red
- Grafana + cAdvisor
- EFK stack for logs(Elastic search, Fluentd, Kibana)
- ELK stack (ES, Logstash, Kibana)
- GOtify
- Ntfy (notify)
- Uptime Kuma 📃 ✔️
- Flame ✔️
- Homarr ✔️
- Dockge ✔️
- E-Books/Podcasts
- Calibre ✔️
- Kavita
- Koodo reader
- Audiobookshelf ✔️
- Podgrab ✔️
- Photos:
- PiGallery ✔️ -> Photo location, GPX support & file system friendly friendly (no DB required) 🚀
- FileSharing
- Anonupload
- Picoshare
- Pingvin
- FileBrowser
- Entertainment
- Jellyfin ✔️
- Kodi
- Plex
- Emby
- Couchpotato ✔️
- Jacket ✔️
- Mylar3
- Midarr
- Calibre ✔️
- Readarr
- P2P
- Transmission ✔️
- rTorrent ✔️
- Qbittorrent ✔️
- Radarr ✔️
- Sonarr ✔️
- Bazar ✔️
- JDownloader ✔️
- ArchiveBox
- Music
- Ampache
- Supysonic ✔️
- Navidrome ✔️ it has synergy with youtube-dl
- Mumble
- Authelia
- Blocky
- Cloudflare - Zero Trust Tunnel 📃 ✔️
- Crowdsec
- DNS:
- EndleSSH
- Fail2ban
- LAN:
- Watchyourlan ✔️
- Wireshark ✔️
- Pi-Alert
- Privacy:
- Proxies
- Caddy
- NGINX + SSL + DuckDNS 📃 ✔️
- NGINX + SSL + Fail2ban
- NGINX + SSL + Fail2ban + Authelia
- Traefik
- Traefik + failban
- VPN's
- Watchtower ✔️
- Management:
- Bookstack
- Focalboard ✔️
- Joplin (x86 only)
- Kanboard ✔️
- Logseq
- OpenProject (Asana alternative)
- Leantime 📃 ✔️
- Timtelite
- Personal management system
- Trilium ✔️
- Tiddlywiki
- Wecan (Kanban board)
- Youtube
- MeTube ✔️
- Grocy ✔️
- Firefox 📃
- Libretranslate
- Design
- Penpotapp
- Drawio
- Analytics
- Matomo
- Plausible
- Posthog https://posthog.com/docs/self-host
- Umami ✔️
- Comment Engine
- remark42
- Dynamic DNS
- DuckDNS ✔️
- No-IP
- CMS/Sites
- Bludit
- HUGO 📃
- Wordpress 📃 ✔️
- Ghost 📃
- Forms (HTML)
- Alpaca
- Drupal
- OhMyForm
- /~https://github.com/formbricks/formbricks
- Instagram alternatives
- Chevereto
- Pixelfed
- Vero
- Static Web Server
- Apache 📃
- NginX
- Subscriptions
- Keila
- Mailtrain
- Moodle
- ✔️ -> Self-hosting instructions available in this repository
- 📃 -> Detailed instructions available in my tech blog.
You can also do AI Projects with a Raspberry Pi.
- Markdown/OCI
- The fantastic community on the internet from where I've learnt the basis to put together all of this.
Share it with someone it could help!
Try it out the guide for yourself and improve or add other config files.
If you enjoy self-hosting any of the apps listed, I would show appreciation directly to their creators. Please check the specific project for more details on that.
- If any of the docker-compose files or associated tutorials was helpful and you want to show gratitude:
- Consider leaving feedback if you found some improvement / something can be explained better
- Support additional weekends of self-hosting tinkering to bring new services to the list