Low cost, user friendly Pi3 based mini robot for ROS developing !
Fully open-sourced (hardware & software), total cost <300USD.
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/HyphaROS/
Website: https://hypharosworkshop.wordpress.com/
Contact: hypha.ros@gmail.com
- HaoChih, LIN
Date: 2018/02/25
License: Apache 2.0
- Onboard mapping (ICP, Gmapping)
- STM32 for CL motor speed control
- AMCL localization
- Dynamic obstacle avoidance
- Documentation
- ROS 2.0 Multi-robots
- Video tutorial
HyphaROS 1 day workshop for ROS beginner:
- Raspberry Pi3
- YDLidar X4
- STM32(F103) MCU (with OLED display, bluetooth)
- Diff Motor with A/B encoder(res: 340)
- MPU6050 or GY85
Total Cost: < 300 USD
Image file for Pi3.(with SD card >=16G, password: hypharos, 20180807)
(if your SD card is around 13GB, it's OK to force Win32DiskImager to write the file!)
SSH to Pi3, then open a terminal:
$ sudo apt install python-smbus
$ sudo pip install mpu6050-raspberrypi
Source codes (ver.20180808):
VirtualBox Image (password: hypharos):
64bit RAM > 4G
Install ROS Kinetic - (Desktop-Full Install) (http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu)
$ sudo apt-get install remmina synaptic gimp git ros-kinetic-navigation ros-kinetic-amcl ros-kinetic-slam-gmapping ros-kinetic-mrpt-slam ros-kinetic-mrpt-icp-slam-2d ros-kinetic-robot-localization -y
create your own catkin_ws
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone /~https://github.com/EAIBOT/ydlidar
$ git clone /~https://github.com/Hypha-ROS/hypharos_minibot
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
The default static eth IP on Pi3 image is, hence, to connect to your Pi3 through cable, please set your host IP as 10.0.0.X
Notice: for the first bootup, you have to update Pi3 MAC address through HDMI Dispaly!
Use ethernet or display connection to make Pi3 connect to your local Wifi AP. Remember to set ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP in .bashrc file in Pi3 image home folder.
$ roslaunch hypharos_minibot HyphaROS_MiniBot_Gmapping.launch
$ roslaunch hypharos_minibot HyphaROS_MiniBot_ICP.launch
After mapping and modify two maps file (one for amcl, one for
nav) in map folder located in hypharos pkg, execute the command:
$ roslaunch hypharos_minibot HyphaROS_MiniBot_Nav.launch