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BLE 5 Interface Specification For X2000

lucas shi edited this page Nov 12, 2024 · 7 revisions

1.1 Update PHY for BLE connection

After BLE link is established, PHY can be updated to 1M, 2M, CODED for transmitting and/or receiving with the following API.


Input Parameters:

Parameter Description
tx Requested PHY type for transmitting, can be set to 1M, 2M, CODED, or any combination of comma separated values.
rx Requested PHY type for receiving, can be set to 1M, 2M, CODED, or any combination of comma separated values.
coded_option* When requested PHY type is CODED, can be set to 0, 1, 2 for Tx.(0: auto negotiation; 1: S2, 2: S8)
  • coded_option for Rx is decided by the device.

Return Value:

Actual PHY type decided by device


  1. After successfully establish BLE link by calling connection API with the default 1M PHY, (POST http://{router ip}/gap/nodes/<node>/connection), update PHY to long range mode with S=8
curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"tx":"CODED","coded_option":"2"}' ''
  1. Updating PHY to 2M for transmitting.
curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"tx":"2M,1M","rx":"1M"}' ''
  1. Get PHY and code option information.
curl -v  '' 

example 1: {"tx_op":"S2","tx_phy":"CODED","id":"CC:1B:E0:E2:34:83","rx_phy":"CODED","rx_op":"S2"}

example 2: {"tx_op":"S2","tx_phy":"CODED","id":"CC:1B:E0:E2:32:B7","rx_phy":"CODED","rx_op":"S2"}

example 3: {"tx_op":"S2","tx_phy":"CODED","id":"CC:1B:E0:E2:34:83","rx_phy":"CODED","rx_op":"S8"}

example 4: {"tx_op":"S8","tx_phy":"CODED","id":"CC:1B:E0:E2:32:B7","rx_phy":"CODED","rx_op":"S2"}

2.1 Extended Advertising Feature - Scan

URL: /gap/nodes/?active=1&event=1&chip=0&phy=1M,2M,CODED

Input Parameters:

Parameter Description
phy Requested PHY type, can be set to 1M, 2M or CODED, or any combination of comma separated values.

Data received:

  1. For legacy BLE 4 advertising, data format is not changed. No primaryPhy info in the packet. Event Type (evtType) is 0 ~ 4
Value Parameter Description
0x00 Connectable undirected advertising (ADV_IND)
0x01 Connectable directed advertising (ADV_DIRECT_IND)
0x02 Scannable undirected advertising (ADV_SCAN_IND)
0x03 Non connectable undirected advertising (ADV_NONCONN_IND)
0x04 Scan Response (SCAN_RSP)
  1. For extended advertising, the following new format with evtType=5 will be used.

data: {"bdaddrs":[{"bdaddr":"50:31:AD:03:0F:ED","bdaddrType":"public"}],"adData":"020106030399FD06FFBD06011111100943323030303030383145000000","name":"xxxxxxxxx","rssi":-19,"evtType":5,"primaryPhy":"1M","secondryPhy":"2M","sid":0,"txPower":127,"interval":0,"prop":"Connectable","dataStatus":"Complete"}

2.2 Extended Advertising Feature - Advertising

Start advertising:

URL: /advertise/ext/start

Method: POST

Input Parameters:

Parameter Description
chip  BLE chip, optional, default value 0
instance_id instance id, optional, range 0-1, to use existing id,default value is 0xff,to create new id.
properties advertising type flag,(Connectable、Scannable、Directed、High_Duty、Legacy、Omit_address、TxPower),default value is 0 (no scannable no connectable)
channelmap advertising channel, default value is 7 (channel 37,38,39)
interval advertising interval, default value is 1000ms

ad_data adv data, maximum length 245 bytes in 2.2.0, optional. 

scan_data scan response data, maximum length 245 bytes in 2.2.0, optional

primary_phy 1M or CODED
secondary_phy 1M or CODED, default is 1M.
random_address mandatory, random MAC address
tx_power optional, default is 127. Range from -127 ! 127.

Return Value:

200 + OK or 500 + error description 


curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"ad_data":"0201060C094341535349412D42454143", "instance_id":"0", "chip":"1", "properties":"Connectable", "primary_phy":"1M", "secondary_phy":"2M", "interval":"100", "random_address":"07:6A:80:BD:31:37"}' ''

Stop advertising:

URL: /advertise/ext/stop

Method: GET

Input Parameter:

Parameter Description
chip BLE chip, default is 0
instance_id instance ID (0-7), 0xFF is to stop all. mandatory

Return Value:

200 + OK or 500 + error description

3.1 Establish Connection with 2M or CODED PHY

URL: /gap/nodes/<node>/connection

Method: POST

Input Parameters:

Parameter Description
phy Requested PHY type, can be set to 1M or CODED, or any combination of comma separated values. Default is 1M.
secondary_phy optional,make connection with PHY type only.

Data received:

No change on receiving data.


curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"phy":"CODED","type":"random"}' ''

A new parameter 'secondary_phy' is added for connection API to make connection with specific PHY only.
1. scan extended adv packet with primary phy: 1M and secondary phy: 2M, and make connection on 2M only.

curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"phy":"1M","type":"random","secondary_phy":"2M"}' ''

2. scan extended adv packet with primary phy: CODED and secondary phy: 1M, and make connection on 1M only. 

curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"phy":"CODED","type":"random","secondary_phy":"1M"}' ''

3. scan extended adv packet with primary phy: CODED and secondary phy: CODED, and make connection on CODED only. 

curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"phy":"CODED","type":"random","secondary_phy":"CODED"}' ''

3.2 Connection List

URL: /gap/nodes

Method: GET

Data received:

add tx_phy and rx_phy on receiving data.


curl ''

3.3 Examples to establish Connection with 2M or CODED PHY

Scenario 1: Device supports both 1M and 2M PHY

  1. Device send legacy advertising packet only

Container APP sends connection request for 1M phy Container APP sends PHY update request to 2M

Question 1: is it more battery friendly to advertising on 1M only and update to 2M later? In this case, in which way container app/gateway knows the sensor supports both 1M and 2M and can be updated to 2M? Question 2: 2M phy has smaller range than 1M, in case there is connection problem after update to 2M, container app/gateway needs to avoid updating to 2M continuously.

  1. Device sends 2 kinds of advertising packet simultaneously with the same MAC address, Legacy (No primary and secondary PHY info) primary PHY : 1M, secondary PHY : 2M

When container APP sends connection request without setting phy, Gateway will make connection on 1M. When container APP send connection request with phy setting to value of ‘primary PHY’, Gateway will scan both legacy and extended advertising and establish connection on 1M or 2M PHY.

Note 1: In release 2.1.1, the selection of 1M and 2M for connection depends on advertising packets received by gateway. In later release, algorithm will be implemented to optimize selection of PHY according to conditions such as sensor’s signal strength, environment noise level, retransmit times, etc.

Scenario 2: Device supports both 1M and CODED PHY

Device sends 2 kinds of advertising packet simultaneously with the same MAC address, legacy adv packet without primary and secondary PHY info primary PHY : CODED, secondary PHY : CODED

Container APP sends connection request with phy setting to any of the following values, i) “1M”, ii) “CODED”, iii) “1M,CODED”

In case of i) and ii), gateway will establish corresponding BLE connection based on input “1M” or “CODED”.

In case of iii) “1M, CODED”, gateway will scan both legacy and extended advertising and establish connection on 1M or CODED. Note 1: In release 2.1.1, the selection of 1M or CODED for connection depends on advertising packets received by gateway. In later release, algorithm will be implemented to optimize selection of PHY according to conditions such as sensor’s signal strength, environment noise level, retransmit times, etc.


Getting Started
Advanced RESTful API
MQTT API (Beta Version)

Error Messages

Device Integrating

Sample Code

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