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Aziya edited this page Dec 20, 2021 · 5 revisions

If you are experiencing a problem with your PrestaShop integration, there are several ways how you can troubleshoot the issue yourself. Before you contact our Support Team:

Step 1: Clear the cache

The plugin makes use of the PrestaShop cache system to speed up some of the backend processes.

When troubleshooting, clear your cache storage and full page cache system. Not clearing the cache can result in payment methods not correctly showing up, or not working as expected.

Step 2: Disable third-party plugins

The Adyen Payment plugin is often used in combination with other official PrestaShop Addons Marketplace plugins that can impact your checkout flow or backend processes. Commonly used plugins are for example One Step Checkout or other modules that interfere with our checkout flow and inject code changes in the PrestaShop database.

Step 3: Check PrestaShop logs

The logs can provide insights into what request was sent from the plugin. When you receive a generic error, the error is further specified here.

Errors are logged by PrestaShop in the following files:

File Description
var/logs/adyen/error.log Contains an entry for every error thrown by the module itself and the PHP library.

Information about the plugin activity is logged in the following files:

File Description
var/logs/adyen/info.log Contains all JSON requests and responses to the Adyen platform from the plugin, including /paymentMethods and /payments call. The logs can provide insights into what request was sent from the plugin. When you receive a generic error, the error is further specified here.
var/logs/adyen/notification.log Notification webhooks received from Adyen. If the order status is not getting updated in the plugin, you can first check whether you received the notification that is updating the orders.
var/logs/adyen/warning.log Provides an entry every time a warning regarding the API key on test or live not being set is thrown.
var/logs/adyen/debug.log Provides entries of information that demonstrate how a particular package is working and whether some errors regarding the hooks and methods used are being thrown.

Step 4: Check common errors

Use the PrestaShop logs to troubleshoot common errors including:

  • Order status not updating
  • Errors when placing orders
  • Payment methods not showing up

Order status is not updated

If the order status in PrestaShop is not being updated, this is usually because one of the following reasons:

  • Your webhook is not configured correctly in your Customer Area
  • The PrestaShop platform is not receiving, accepting, or storing the notifications in the database.
  • PrestaShop is not processing the notifications, or is not updating the order status.

To debug, use the Adyen Customer Area, or the notification logs.

Adyen Customer Area

In the Adyen Customer Area, you can verify if there are any issues with the endpoint:

  1. Log in to your Adyen Customer Area
  2. Go to Developers > Webhooks and select the edit webhook icon .
  3. Under Test Notifications , select Test Configuration .

If you receive an error, some of the possible reasons are:

  • The notification username and password within the required settings do not match the authentication credentials within Adyen. Mixing the live and test credentials usually causes this.
  • IP address validation or server issues (often results to a 302 or 401 error).

Notification logs

In the logs, you can check if PrestaShop is receiving notifications and if the cron job is running.

To check if you are receiving notifications, look into the var/logs/adyen/notification.log.

Notifications overview

In your PrestaShop admin panel, you can check if the notifications are queued.

  1. Go to System > Adyen > Notifications overview.
  2. If the notifications are queued and the Processing and Done columns are set to No, contact your technical team to restart the cron job.
  3. To pick up the queued notifications again, your technical team can also update the adyen_notification table to set the Processing and Done columns from 1 to 0. For notifications older than 5 days, you also need to update the creation date to less than 5 days.

Errors when placing orders

A common error thrown when placing an order is:

"Error with payment method, please select a different payment method"

This error can be thrown for several reasons. For more information on what caused the error, check the var/logs/adyen/info.log for the /payments API response JSON.

Some common error scenarios are described below:

{ "status":500, "errorCode":"905", "message":"Payment details are not supported", "errorType":"configuration" }

If you find the above error, make sure that the payment method is set up correctly. If the issue persists, contact our Support Team.

Payment methods not showing up

If a payment method is not showing up in your checkout, check the following:

  • Does this payment method require any additional set up ?
  • Does the /paymentMethods API request include the correct country and currency combination for the payment method? Use the var/logs/adyen/info.log file to look this up.
  • Is the payment method included in the /paymentMethods API response? Use the var/logs/adyen/info.log file to look this up.
  • Is the displayPaymentTop hook present? This call is enabled by default and is initiated from the themes/classic/templates/checkout/_partials/steps/payment.tpl template file.

Step 5: Check for customizations

If you applied any customizations to the plugin, the error might be related to the customization. To make sure that your error is not a customization issue, check if it persists on a default version of the plugin. If you cannot reproduce the issue on a default version, it is most likely a customization issue.

Step 6: Check our release notes

Check if your current error is a known issue in the plugin, and resolved in a later version. You can find the known issues and fixes either in our technical release notes on GitHub.

To find out which version of the plugin you are using:

  1. Log in to your Adyen Customer Area.
  2. Go to Transactions > Payments , and select the PSP reference of any payment.
  3. This opens the Payment Details page. Go to the Application Info section. The plugin version is shown under Payment Device Version . Alternatively, you can look into the var/logs/adyen/info.log to see the merchantApplication.version sent in every API request.

Step 7: Check open issues in GitHub

Go to the open issues in our GitHub, and see if there is an open issue related to your error. If that’s the case, you can leave a comment there to have direct contact with our dev teams.

Step 8: Contact us

If the problem still persists after you've followed the above steps, you can either: