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Industry Market Cap Analysis

Financial analysis dashboards comparing 1500 companies across 8 industries.

Problem StatementFindings from DashboardsBuild from SourceRun the Selenium ScraperTransform and Clean the dataContact

📋 Problem Statement

Comprehensive financial analysis dashboards comparing the financial performance and key metrics of 1500 companies across 8 different industries. Utilizing the financial information from the dashboard offers a wide range of visualizations and metrics, including:

  1. Bar charts comparing the average market cap, revenue, and earnings of companies in each industry.
  2. Employee productivity scatter plots presenting Revenue-per-Employee and Earnings-per-Employee color coded by industry.
  3. Geographic distribution of market capital and companies.
  4. Comparative Price-to-Sales and Price-to-Earning Ratio identifying growth-oriented industries.
  5. Box plots revealing the typical range and variability of operating margins of companies in each industry.
  6. Debt-to-Equity and Current Ratio heatmaps showing financial health of companies.

Here are the links to Tableau public dashboards:

Findings and Observations from the Dashboards

📊 Dashboard 1: Industry Comparison

industry_comparison_dashboard Findings:

  1. Tehnology has the highest average market value in general and Real Estate is the lowest. However, Oil & Gas is the leading industry in terms of total country-wise average market cap. Saudi Arabia is the largest contributor.
  2. Oil & Gas industry dominates the market in terms of Average Revenue and Earnings. Real Estate is the lowest.
  3. In terms of Revenue per employee, Saudi Aramco (Oil & Gas) is the highest whereas Phoenix Group (Insurance) is the lowest.
  4. In terms of Earnings per employee, again Saudi Aramco (Oil & Gas) is the highest whereas Walgreens Boots Alliance (Pharmaceuticals) is the lowest. On average, Oil & Gas is the most employee productive industry.

📊 Dashboard 2: Geographical Distribution and Operating Margin

geographical_dist_and_operating_margin_dashboard Findings:

  1. Saudi Arabia has the largest share of market capital ($248.3T), followed by USA ($56.4T), and Denmark ($51.6T)
  2. From the 1500 total companies, 591 belong to USA alone, followed by India (96), China (67), and Hong Kong (48)
  3. Real Estate has the highest median operating margin at around 15.4%, followed by Oil & Gas and Pharmaceuticals both at approximately 11.1%. This suggests these industries tend to have healthier operating profitability on average.
  4. The Pharmaceuticals industry has the widest spread between its upper and lower whiskers, indicating it has the most variability in operating margins. Companies span a wide range from highly profitable to unprofitable.
  5. Insurance, Oil & Gas, and Real Estate have their entire boxes above the zero line, meaning over 75% of companies have positive margins. In contrast, Pharmaceuticals and Food have a large portion of their boxes below zero, indicating a significant number of unprofitable companies.
  6. Technology companies tend to have both high P/S and high P/E ratios compared to other industries. It is a growth-oriented sector.
  7. Retail and Food industries generally have lower P/S and P/E ratios. These are slower-growth sectors.

📊 Dashboard 3: Financial Health Heatmaps Dashboard

financial_health_dashboard Findings:

  1. Real Estate companies from the UK have the most average Debt. Same goes for Pharmaceuticals (Canada), Retail (Saudi Arabia), and Insurance (Japan).
  2. Food companies in Malaysia have significantly more total assets relative to its total liabilities. Same goes for Oil & Gas (Russia), and Retail (Greece).

⚙️ Build from Source

  1. Clone the repo
git clone /~
cd Industry-Market-Cap-Analysis/
  1. Initialize and activate virtual environment
virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: Select virtual environment interpreter from Ctrl+Shift+P

🌐 Run the Selenium Scraper

Traditional Approach

python scraper/

Run this command and wait for it to finish. When complete, you will get a file named scraped_company_data.csv (this file requires data transformation in the next step).

How the scraping is done:

The file calls fetch_companies method 8 times for 8 different industries. Each time fetch_companies method fetches 200 companies' data for each industry (100 companies for Electricity industry) totalling to 1500 companies' data. fetch_companies method uses selenium webdriver to scrape with necessary chrome_options added as arguments. At a time, it will iterate over maximum 2 pages to scrape 200 companies' data (each page has 100 companies listed). During each iteration, the outer for loop, fetches 100 companies. The inner for loops go over each of those companies and fetch that company specific metrics. Finally, the companies and their respective data is returned to file where it is appended to the global companies list and converted to scraped_company_data.csv file. This file requires data transformation in the next step.

Alternative Approach (Scraping Parallelly)

Using traditional approach, scraping financial data for 1500 companies one-by-one might take a significant amount of time (several hours) depending on your network bandwidth. A better and faster approach would be to split the task into multiple scraper instances that will scrape data parallely. Each scraper will be assigned to scrape financial data of the companies belonging to a particular industry.

To do this, you can simply create 8 copies of the file (for 8 industries) and modify each to fetch companies only for a particular industry. Now, run all the copies parallelly and merge the output CSV files.

Alternatively, you can use Python's multiprocessing module to spawn multiple processes to accomplish the same task.

Be sure to rename the final merged CSV file as scraped_company_data.csv (this file requires data transformation in the next step)

🔄 Transform and Clean the data

python data_transformation/

At this stage, you will get a file named transformed_company_data.csv (you can load this file into Tableau as Text file)

✉️ Contact

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