A distraction-free tool for novelists and writers
You can try Alighieri in your browser:
- Distraction-free text editor
- Zen mode (fullscreen)
- Dark mode (don't tire your eyes!)
- Auto-format of typographical symbols (quotes, separators, etc.)
- Counters of chars/words/sentences/paragraphs
- Images
- Markdown import/export
- Plain-text import/export
- HTML5 export
- PDF export
- Multi-platform (Win/Mac/Linux)
- Browser-friendly (test it!)
- Mobile-friendly (Android/iOS as a PWA)
- FREE & Open Source
# Clone repository
$ git clone /~https://github.com/zuck/alighieri.git
# Move to working directory
$ cd alighieri
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
$ quasar dev [-m pwa]
# Build for production with minification
$ quasar build [-m pwa]
# Package the final Electron app
$ quasar build -m electron
# To deploy the bundle to GitHub Pages
$ npm run deploy
If you want, you can also freely donate to fund the project development:
Please open a new issue on:
Copyright (c) Emanuele Bertoldi