a reusable D3.js scatterplot plugin that supports easy customization
this plugin is implemented as a closure that supports method chaining
why implement the plugin as a closure (by Mike Bostock)
- D3.js (5.x version)
first, download d3.scatterplot.js in the libs folder
d3.scatterplot.js can be loaded directly as
<script src="pathToTheFile/d3.scatterplot.js"></script>
then use as
let chart = d3.scatterplot()
or if you are using Node.js/CommonJS
import scatterplot from "pathToTheFile/d3.scatterplot.js"
let data = [{x: 10, y: 10}, {x: 20, y: 15}, {x: 30, y: 0}]
let chart = d3.scatterplot()
let svg = d3.select('body').append('svg')
// create a scatterplot closure
let chart = d3.scatterplot()
// set width
// get width
let width = chart.width() /* width = 800 */
// other attributes in the API can be get/set similarly
- width: [Number]
- get/set the width of the whole chart
- default = 400
- height: [Number]
- get/set the height of the whole chart
- default = 400
- margin: [{left: Number, right: Number, top: Number, bottom: Number}]
- get/set the margin
- default = {left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, bottom: 50})
- duration: [Number]
- get/set the transition duration (ms)
- default = 500
- xLabel: [String]
- get/set the x axis label
- default = "x"
- yLabel: [String]
- get/set the y axis label
- default = "y"
- xValueMapper: [Function]
- get/set the access method to x value
- default = d => d.x
- yValueMapper: [Function]
- get/set the access method to y value
- default = d => d.y
- colorValueMapper: [Function]
- get/set the access method to the value that has a one-to-one mapping with the filling color
- default = d => d.label
- rValueMapper: [Function]
- get/set the access method to point radius
- default = _ => 3
- by default radius = 3 for all the points
- strokeValueMapper: [Function]
- get/set the access method to point stroke color
- default = _ => "black"
- by default stroke_color = "black" for all the points
- enableBrush: [Boolean]
- get/set whether brushing should be enabled
- default = true
- drawLegend: [Boolean]
- get/set whether legend should be drawn
- default = false