Open Drug Database for Switzerland. See the live version at
- Some email-Addresses are still hardcoded. That needs to be fixed and placed into etc/oddb.yml
- If you install via gem please also see these instructions.
git clone /~ "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
rbenv install 3.1.0
sudo apt-get install apache2 daemontools daemontools-run pkg-config libmagickwand-dev libpq-dev
bzcat 22:00-postgresql_database-ch_oddb-backup.bz2 | su -c psql -l postgres -p 5433 ch_odd
- see Guide.txt
Reparse compositions of 5 digit Swissmedic Numbers (issue #139)
sudo -u apache bundle-300 exec ruby-300 jobs/import_swissmedic_only update_compositions 67685 60134
sudo -u apache bundle-300 exec ruby-300 jobs/import_swissmedic_only update_compositions
sudo -u apache bundle-300 exec ruby-300 jobs/import_swissmedic_only check
to run the Tests you need to do
- bundle install
- rake test
- bundle exec rake spec/parslet_spec.rb # for parsing the compositions
- look at the index.html in the coverage directory
There are some Selenium/Watir based GUI integration tests. For details on how to use them have a look at tests_watir.textile
There is test/wrk_performance.lua allows a stress test with a typical load. See test/wrk_performance.lua for details on howto run it
- To build your local documentation do:
- rdoc1.9 --op documentation
- sudo gem install
- Zeno R.R. Davatz 2002-present
- Niklaus Giger 2012-present
- Masaomi Hatakeyama 2009-2011
- Yasuhiro Asaka 2008-2009
- Hannes Wyss 2002-2008
- Herve Robin. Thank you Herve!
- GPLv3.0
- Licensed under the MIT license ** doc/resources/javascript/qrcode.js
The word "QR Code" is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED
For Issues please open one on Github.