Code for kaggle siim-acr-pneumothorax-segmentation, 34th place solution.
The details of the solution can be found here
- Pytorch 1.1.0
- Torchvision 0.3.0
- Python3.7
- scipy 1.2.0
- Install backboned-unet first
pip install git+/~
- Install image augumentation library albumentations
conda install -c conda-forge imgaug
conda install albumentations -c albumentations
- Install TensorBoard for Pytorch
pip install tb-nightly
pip install future
- Install segmentation_models.pytorch
pip install git+/~
If you encountered error like: ValueError: Duplicate plugins for name projector
when you are evacuating tensorboard --logdir=checkpoints/unet_resnet34
, please refer to: this.
I downloaded a test script from
I run it and it told me that I have two tensorboards with a different version. Also, it told me how to fix it.
I followed its instructions and I can make my tensorboard work.
I think this error means that you have two tensorboards installed so the plugin will be duplicated. Another method would be helpful that is to reinstall the python environment using conda.
The followings are some visualizations of our results.
Using only one model:
There are three parts in the image above. The left part is patient's X-ray picture, the middle is the original mask, the right is our segmentation mask.
Using five models ensemble:
git clone /~
cd Kaggle-Pneumothorax-Seg
Download SIIM datasets from here , unzip and put them into ../input
directory. Structure of the ../input
folder can be like:
Delete some non-annotated instances/images:
cd dicom-images-test
rm */*/
rm */*/
rm */*/
rm */*/
rm */*/
Put stage_2_sample_submission.csv
into Kaggle-Pneumothorax-Seg
directory. Then,evacuate the following instructions to convert original dcm files to jpg.
cd Kaggle-Pneumothorax-Seg
python datasets/
cd ../input/
mkdir train_images_all
cp train_images/* train_images_all/
cp test_images/* train_images_all/
mkdir train_mask_all
cp train_mask/* train_mask_all/
cp test_mask/* train_mask_all/
Create soft links of datasets in the following directories:
cd ../Kaggle-Pneumothorax-Seg/datasets/
mkdir SIIM_data
cd SIIM_data
ln -s ../../../input/train_images/ train_images
ln -s ../../../input/train_mask/ train_mask
ln -s ../../../input/test_images/ test_images
ln -s ../../../input/test_mask test_mask
ln -s ../../../input/test_images_stage2 test_images_stage2
ln -s ../../../input/train_images_all/ train_images_all
ln -s ../../../input/train_mask_all/ train_mask_all
Before our training, we can use
to analyze the distribution of training data:
python utils/
You can get something like:
Use one gpu for Stratified K-fold:
Use all gpu for Stratified K-fold:
The competition is divided into two stages, so if you want to run the code for the first stage, please run
Please note that, if you prepare to use deeplabv3+ model, please add drop_last=True
to all DataLoader functions in datasets/
After the training of model, we can use tensorboard to analyze the training curves.
Tensorboard displays different event files:
tensorboard --logdir=name1:/path/to/logs/1,name2:/path/to/logs/2
For example, when the files in the checkpoints/unet_resnet34 folder are organized as following:
├── 2019-08-27T22-59-29
│ └── events.out.tfevents.1564306811.zdkit.25995.0
├── 2019-08-28T02-01-21
│ └── events.out.tfevents.1564324685.zdkit.25995.1
We can run:
cd checkpoints/unet_resnet34
tensorboard --logdir=name1:2019-08-27T22-59-29,name2:2019-08-28T02-01-21
Tensorboard displays one event file:
tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/logs
For example, when the files in the checkpoints/unet_resnet34 folder are as follows
├── 2019-08-27T22-59-29
│ └── events.out.tfevents.1564306811.zdkit.25995.0
You can run:
cd checkpoints/unet_resnet34
tensorboard --logdir=2019-08-27T22-59-29
python --mode=choose_threshold2
python --mode=choose_threshold3
After running this,the best threshold and the best pixel threshold will be saved in the checkpoints/unet_resnet34 folder
After running the code, submission.csv will be generated in the root directory, which is the result predicted by the model.
When you have trained and selected the threshold, you can use to visualize the performance on the validation set
It is important to note that this code is only suitable for testing the performance of the fold0, for complete cross-validation, there is no handout datasets, so using this code can not measure the generalization ability of the model.
At the end of the first stage of the competition, the competitor released the test dataset labels for the first stage. So we wrote a code to measure the performance of our first stage model (using dice)
backbone | batch_size | image_size | pretrained | data proprecess | mask resize | less than sum | T | lr | thresh | sum | score |
U-Net | 32 | 224 | w/o | w/o | w/o | w/o | w/o | random | 0.7019 | ||
ResNet34 | 32 | 224 | w/ | w/o | w/o | w/o | w/o | random | 0.7172 | ||
ResNet34 | 32 | 224 | w/o | w/o | w/o | w/o | w/o | random | 0.7295 | ||
ResNet34 | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/o | w/o | w/o | w/o | random | 0.7508 | ||
ResNet34 | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ | w/o | w/o | w/o | random | 0.7603 | ||
ResNet34 | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ | w | w/o | w | random | 0.7974 | ||
ResNet34 | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ | w | 1024*2 | w/o | random | 0.7834 | ||
ResNet34 | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ | w | 2048*2 | w | random | 115 | 0.8112 | |
ResNet34 freeze | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ | w | 2048*2 | w | random | 107 | 0.8118 | |
ResNet34 freeze | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ | w/ | 2048*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.45 | 164 | 0.8259 |
ResNet34 freeze | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | w/ | 2048*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.47 | 208 | 0.8401 |
ResNet34 freeze | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | w/ | 2048*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.40 | 225 | 0.8412 |
ResNet34 freeze | 20 | 512 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | w/ | 2048*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.36 | - | 0.8446 |
ResNet34 freeze/No accumulation | 20/8 | 512/1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | 512 | 2048*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.48 | 210 | 0.8419 |
ResNet34 freeze/No accumulation | 20/8 | 512/1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | 1024 | 1024*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.48 | 118 | 0.7969 |
ResNet34 freeze/No accumulation | 20/8 | 512/1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | 1024 | 1024*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.30 | 172 | 0.7958 |
ResNet34 freeze/No accumulation | 8 | 1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | 1024 | 2048*2 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.35 | 209 | 0.8399 |
ResNet34/No accumulation | 20 | 768 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | 1024 | 2048 | w | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.46 | 249(ensemble) | 0.8455 |
backbone | batch_size | image_size | pretrained | data proprecess | lr | loss function | thresh | less than sum | ensemble | sum | score |
ResNet34/No accumulation | 20 | 768 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | 0.46 | 2048 | average | 171 | 0.8588 | |
ResNet34/No accumulation | 20 | 1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | BCE | 0.306 | 2048 | average | 207 | 0.8648 |
ResNet34/No accumulation | 20 | 1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | BCE | 0.328 | 1024 | average | 223 | 0.8619 |
ResNet34/No accumulation | 20 | 1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | bce | 0.34 | 2048 | None | 224 | 0.8535 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation | 20 | 768 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | bce | 0.5499 | 2048 | None | 172 | 0.8503 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation | 20 | 1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | bce | 0.3800 | 1792 | None | 228 | 0.8505 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation | 20 | 1024 | w/ | w/ CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR | bce+dice+weight | 0.72 | 1024 | None | 195 | 0.8539 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation | 10/6 | 1024 | w/ | w/ 0.4CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR(2e-4/5e-6) | bce+dice+weight | 0.67 | 2048 | TTA/None | 207 | 0.8691 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation | 10/6 | 1024 | w/ | w/ 0.4CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR(2e-4/1e-5) | bce+dice+weight | 0.75 | 1280 | TTA/None | 219 | 0.8571 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation | 10/6 | 1024 | w/ | w/ 0.4CLAHE self | CosineAnnealingLR(2e-4/5e-6) | bce+dice+weight | 0.75 | 1024 | TTA/None | 217 | 0.8575 |
ResNet34(new)/No accumulation | 10/6 | 1024 | w/ | w/ 0.4CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR(2e-4/5e-6) | bce | 0.45 | 1024 | TTA/None | 236 | 0.8570 |
ResNet34/No accumulation | 10/6 | 1024 | w/ | w/ 0.4CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR(2e-4/5e-6) | bce | 0.36 | 768 | TTA/None | 254 | 0.8555 |
ResNet34(New)/No accumulation/three stage | 10/6/6 | 1024 | w/ | w/ 0.4CLAHE | CosineAnnealingLR(2e-4/5e-6/1e-7) | bce+dice+weight | 0.67 | 2048 | TTA/None | 206 | 0.8741 |
- 0.8446: fixed test code, used resize(1024)
- 0.8648: used more large resolution (516->768), and average ensemble (little)
- 0.8691: bce+dice+weight (matters a lot/1.21); TTA (matters little); In the first stage, the epoch was reduced from 60 to 40, and the learning rate was reduced to 0 at the 50th epoch. The second stage of learning is adjusted to 5e-6 (matters a lot); Change the data preprocessing mode, the CLAHE probability is changed to 0.4, the vertical flip is removed, the rotation angle is reduced, and the center cutting is added.
- 0.8741: three stage set: Load the weights of the second phase and train only on masked datasets.
- unet_resnet34(matters a lot)
- two stage set: two stage batch size(768,1024 big solution matters a lot) and two stages epoch
- epoch freezes the encoder layer in the first stage
- epoch gradients accumulate in the second stage
- data augmentation
- CLAHE for every picture(matters a little)
- lr decay - cos annealing(matters a lot)
- cross validation
- Stratified K-fold
- Average each result of cross validation(matters a lot)
- stage2 init lr and optimizer
- weight decay(When equal to 5e-4, the negative effect, val loss decreases and dice oscillates, the highest is 0.77)
- leak, TTA
- datasets_statics and choose less than sum
- adapt to torchvison0.2.0, tensorboard
- different Learning rates between encoder and decoder in stage2 (not well)
- freeze BN in stage2 (not well)
- using lovasz loss in stage2 (this loss can be used to finetune model) (not well)
- replace upsample (interplotation) with transpose convolution (not well)
- using octave convolution in unet's decoder (not well)
- resnet34->resnet50 (a wider model can work better with bigger resolution) (not well)
- move noise form augmentation (not well)
- Unet with Attention (not test, the model is too big, so that the batch size is too small)
- change from 5 flod to 10 fold (not well)
- hypercolumn unet (not well)
- Dataset expansion (not well)
- Data expansion is used only in the 1/3/10 epoch in the first stage (not well)
- deeplabv3+ (not work)
- Recitified Adam(Radams) (not work)
- three stage set: Load the weights of the second phase and train only on masked datasets(matters a lot,from 0.8691 to 0.8741)
- the dice coefficient is unstale in val set (The code is wrong.WTF)