Simple air quality monitor with CO2, temperature ang humidity sensors. Based on MSP430 + Energia. Pin-compatible to Texas Instruments' Launchpad (v1.5), but I recommend to use your own soldered PCB because of power quality sensitivity of MH-Z19 sensor with step-up converter. The Dallas Semiconductor DS18B20 sensor is hot-pluggable.
For DS18B20 driver
- GFDS18B20(StellarisOW) Grant Forest 29 Jan 2013. From . Original links doesn't work, so I found this library there and published: /~
For AM2320 and i2c LCD drivers: E. N. Timofeev
- AM2321 Arduino library /~ (forked to /~ with integer math)
- LiquidCrystal_I2C Arduino library /~
MCU: Texas Intruments' MSP430G2553
Temperature and humidity sensor: AM2320
CO2 sensor MH-Z19
External temperature Sensor: DS18B20
Power: Li-ion battery, solar cell (15s, 7.5V), chinese usb li-ion charger with overcharge/overdischarge protection
LCD 16x2 with i2c module
just download the Energia IDE (similar to Arduino), and copy the libs (DS18B20, AM2320) to proper path.
Compile and upload the code to MCU with MSP430G2 Launchpad.