Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations to study the emergent dynamics in spiking neural networks
Build a common framework to study the following aspects of neural network dynamics:
- numerical simulations of networks of Adexp single neuron models
- customized network and cellular features such as connectivity matrices or intrinsic currents
- mean-field predictions of network dynamics
- cellular integration in morphologically-detailed models
Both the spiking network and single cell simulation toolkit are built as a layer on top of the Brian2 simulator.
Using git
to clone the repository and "pip" to install the package in your python environment:
git clone /~
pip install -r neural_network_dynamics/requirements.txt
Note you might want to use the code compilation to C code for speed, so you will need the gcc
compiler, e.g. on ubuntu/debian, get it with sudo apt install build-essential
N.B. the multicompartmental modeling in Brian2 only works with python=3.8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import ntwk # THIS MODULE
# write your model details/parameters in a dictionary (N.B unit system is : ms, mV, pF, nS, pA, Hz)
Model = {
# numbers of neurons in population
'N_Exc':4000, 'N_Inh':1000, 'N_AffExc':400,
# synaptic weights
'Q_Exc_Exc':1., 'Q_Exc_Inh':1.,
'Q_AffExc_Exc':1., 'Q_AffExc_Inh':1.,
'Q_Inh_Exc':4., 'Q_Inh_Inh':4.,
# synaptic time constants
'Tse':5., 'Tsi':5.,
# synaptic reversal potentials
'Ee':0., 'Ei': -80.,
# connectivity parameters
'p_Exc_Exc':0.05, 'p_Exc_Inh':0.05,
'p_Inh_Exc':0.05, 'p_Inh_Inh':0.05,
'p_AffExc_Exc':0.5, 'p_AffExc_Inh':0.5,
# simulation parameters
'dt':0.1, 'tstop': 1500., 'SEED':3, # low by default, see later
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# === cellular properties (based on AdExp), population by population ===
# --> Excitatory population (Exc, recurrent excitation)
'Exc_Gl':10., 'Exc_Cm':200.,'Exc_Trefrac':5.,
'Exc_El':-70., 'Exc_Vthre':-50., 'Exc_Vreset':-70., 'Exc_deltaV':2.,
'Exc_a':0., 'Exc_b': 40., 'Exc_tauw':500,
# --> Inhibitory population (Inh, recurrent inhibition)
'Inh_Gl':10., 'Inh_Cm':200.,'Inh_Trefrac':5.,
'Inh_El':-70., 'Inh_Vthre':-50., 'Inh_Vreset':-70., 'Inh_deltaV':0.5,
'Inh_a':0., 'Inh_b': 0., 'Inh_tauw':1e9,
t_array = ntwk.arange(int(Model['tstop']/Model['dt']))*Model['dt']
# build the model
NTWK =, ['Exc', 'Inh'],
with_raster=True, with_Vm=4,
verbose=True), SEED=5, verbose=True)
Faff_array = 4.+4*np.exp(-(t_array-1000)**2/2/100**2) # afferent input
# afferent excitation onto cortical excitation and inhibition
for i, tpop in enumerate(['Exc', 'Inh']): # both on excitation and inhibition
ntwk.stim.construct_feedforward_input(NTWK, tpop, 'AffExc',
t_array, Faff_array,
verbose=True, SEED=32)
# initialize
# run
network_sim = ntwk.collect_and_run(NTWK, verbose=True)
# store data
ntwk.recording.write_as_hdf5(NTWK, filename='RS-FS_data.h5')
# plot
fig, AX = ntwk.plots.activity_plots(ntwk.recording.load_dict_from_hdf5('RS-FS_data.h5'))
see the demo script
See the demo folder for more examples
Organized into different parts:
The list of cells available. See "cells"
Build the network elements and architecture (equations, connectivity, ...)
Stimulate the network with afferent activity.
The recording module.
Perform parameter scans.
Tools to analyze network simulations
Plot network simulation results.
Implementation of the mean-field approach to network dynamics characterization. Based on the Markovian approach formulated in El Boustani & Destexhe (2009) Neural Comp.
The core of the mean-field approach. The function that accounts for the statistical "rate-behavior" of a population of neurons in the network. Procedure to make semi-analytical characterizations of transfer functions. See Zerlaut et al. (2016) J. Physiol for the transfer function characterization and Zerlaut et al. (2018) J. Comp. Neurosci. for its use in predicting network dynamics.
Stores some cellular and configurations to be easily re-used.
See the available morphologies
Synaptic Inputs
See the synaptic inputs properties
Active Mechanisms
See the active mechanisms properties
in progress [...]