TS library about timing.
npm install polygala --save
Asynchronous sleep.
import { sleep } from 'polygala';
async function main(): Promise<void> {
await sleep(1000);
Simulative micro/macro task in browser.
import { micro, macro } from 'polygala';
const task1 = macro(() => console.log('task1'));
const task2 = micro(() => console.log('task2'));
//=> Prints 'task2', 'task1'
FIFO promise queue.
import { fifo, sleep } from 'polygala';
async function fa(): Promise<void> {
// 2s delay
await sleep(2000);
async function fb(): Promise<void> {
// 1s delay
await sleep(1000);
const globalFIFOName = Symbol('foobar');
const a = fifo(fa, globalFIFOName);
const b = fifo(fb, globalFIFOName);
let str = '';
a().then(() => {
str += 'Hello';
b().then(() => {
str += 'World';
//=> str === 'Hello World'
An easy-to-use polling implemention.
import { poll } from 'polygala';
const stop = poll(
async (polling) => {
const { url } = polling.context;
await fetch(url);
delay: 3000,
limit: 1000, // Repeats at most 1000 times, 0 means NO limit.
context: {
url: '//foobar.com/heartbeat',
onError: (err) => {
return false; // False means "Don't stop polling", if you want to stop, return true.
// ...
stop(); // stop polling.
Poll until compare function returns true.
import { poll } from 'polygala';
let i = 0;
try {
const data = await poll(async () => i++).until((curr: any) => curr > 100, 1000);
} catch (err) {
Quittable asynchronous task.
import { quittable, sleep } from 'polygala';
import ajax from './ajax';
import store from './store';
const task = quittable(
async (task) => {
await sleep(1000);
if (task.quitted) {
// Task has been quitted.
const { url } = task.context;
const data = await ajax.get(url);
if (task.quitted) {
store.data = data;
// Name of quittable task, null means on name.
// A named task would be quitted if a new task with the same name was run.
// context
url: '//foobar.com/heartbeat',
setTimeout((_) => {
}, 1050);
Sleep Asynchronously.
function sleep(milliseconds: number): Promise<void>;
Invoke simulative micro/macro tasks in browser.
type FProcedure = (...args: any[]) => void;
function micro<Fn extends FProcedure>(fn: Fn): Fn;
function macro<Fn extends FProcedure>(fn: Fn): Fn;
Push an async function and its return value into a FIFO promise queue.
type AsyncFunc<RetType> = (...args: any[]) => Promise<RetType>;
export function fifo<Fn extends AsyncFunc<void>>(fn: Fn, queueName?: symbol): Fn;
export function fifo<RetType, Fn extends AsyncFunc<RetType>>(fn: Fn, queueName?: symbol): Fn;
Start polling.
// Polling function type.
type PollingFunc<ContextType> = (p: Polling<ContextType>) => void;
// Error callbacl type.
type ErrorCallback = (error: Error) => boolean;
// Options type.
type PollingOptions<ContextType> = {
context?: ContextType;
delay?: number;
limit?: number;
onError?: ErrorCallback;
// Function to stop polling.
type StopFunc = () => void;
function poll<ContextType>(fn: PollingFunc<ContextType>, options?: PollingOptions<ContextType>): StopFunc;
Create a quittable task.
interface IQuittable<ContextType> {
quitted: boolean;
readonly context: ContextType;
quit(): void;
type FQUITTED = () => void;
class Quittable<ContextType, RetType> implements IQuittable<ContextType> {
// ...
run(): Promise<FQUITTED | RetType>;
quit(): void;
type QuittableCallable<ContextType, RetType> = (q: IQuittable<ContextType>) => RetType;
function quittable<ContextType, RetType = void>(
context: ContextType,
fn: QuittableCallable<ContextType, RetType>
): Quittable<ContextType, RetType>;
Create a named quittable task.
If you've created a named quittable task, the last task with the same name was quitted automatically.
function namedQuittable<ContextType, RetType = void>(
name: symbol,
context: ContextType,
fn: QuittableCallable<ContextType, RetType>
): Quittable<ContextType, RetType>;
Find the running named quittable task.
function getRunningNamedQuittable(name: symbol);
export type CountDownOptions = {
// Countdown interval, the default value is 1000ms.
interval?: number;
total: number;
onTimeout?: (total: number, countdown: CountDown) => void;
onTick?: (residue: number, total: number, countdown: CountDown) => void;
export function countdown(options: CountDownOptions);