An open source flashloan smart contract on polygon network
Run the following command.
git clone /~
cd poly-flash
environment variable. You can get one from Alchemy website for free.
Then, you can create a .env file with the following.
If you want to execute flashloan on the polygon mainnet, you need to add your PRIVATE_KEY
environment variable, with a private key from your wallet.
*Note: If using metamask, you'll have to add a 0x
to the start of your private key)
Run the following command.
yarn install
Run the following command.
yarn compile
Run the following command.
yarn test test/polygon/dodoflash.test.ts
Once you have successfully done the above quickstart and added your private key to .env file, you can deploy your smart contract with the following command:
yarn deploy --network polygon
It costs about 0.2 MATIC to deploy Flashloan
Deploy on the polygon mainnnet fork with the following command:
yarn liquidations
Deploy on the polygon mainnnet with the following command:
yarn liquidations --network polygon