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python-lekin is a Flexible Job Shop Scheduler Library, named after Lekin. As a core function in APS (advanced planning and scheduler), it helps manufacturers optimize the allocation of materials and production capacity optimally to balance demand and capacity.
- Changeover Optimization
- Ready for demo, research and maybe production
constrained optimization
- route
- production
- material kit
- together
soft constrained optimization
- objective
pip install lekin
from lekin import Heuristics, Rule
from lekin import Scheduler
solver = Rule('SPT')
scheduler = Scheduler(solver)
scheduler.solve(job_list, machine_list)
In real world, Lekin integrates with MES to deploy production plans on the shop floor. Integration with ERP system is also required to exchange information on demand, inventory, and production
Exhaustive search
- branch and bound
Construction heuristics
Meta heuristics
Operation search
Reinforcement learning
Metaheuristics combined with Construction Heuristics to initialize is the recommended choice.
author = {Yue Tan},
title = {python lekin},
year = {2022},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{/~}},