- forked from /~https://github.com/brenocq/implot3d
- xmake packages
add_requires("imgui 1.91.5", {configs = {glfw= true,opengl3 = true,sdl2 = true}})
add_requires("glad 0.1.36")
- for more detail,see xmake-example
xmake b plot
xmake r plot
- run main window and demo sub window src/plot/main_implot3d.cpp
- run demo window,one or more src/plot/implot3d_demo.cpp
void ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open) {
static bool show_imgui_demo = true;
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(100, 100), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(600, 750), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
ImGui::Begin("ImPlot3D Demo", p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar);
ImGui::Text("ImPlot3D says ! (%s)", IMPLOT3D_VERSION);
// DemoHeader("Line Plots", DemoLinePlots);need click
DemoLinePlots();//one demo,need not click
// more demos
// if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("ImPlot3DDemoTabs")) {
// if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Plots")) {
// DemoHeader("Line Plots", DemoLinePlots);
// DemoHeader("Scatter Plots", DemoScatterPlots);
// DemoHeader("Triangle Plots", DemoTrianglePlots);
// DemoHeader("Quad Plots", DemoQuadPlots);
// DemoHeader("Surface Plots", DemoSurfacePlots);
// DemoHeader("Realtime Plots", DemoRealtimePlots);
// DemoHeader("Markers and Text", DemoMarkersAndText);
// DemoHeader("NaN Values", DemoNaNValues);
// ImGui::EndTabItem();
// }
// ImGui::EndTabBar();
// }
you can also use