A JavaFX game built with sprite animation on Eclipse and written in Java and JavaFX for the GUI.
How to Play the Game: The object of the game is to escape the room. The player must obtain the key in order to exit the room. Use the arrow keys to move the player around. Move your character around the objects of the room and press the space bar to check if the key is there. Once the key is obtained, the player may exit the room via the stairs.
Start up Menu Options:
Installing and Running on Your Machine:
This game is an RPG escape room game created with Java FX. To play the game, you can download this and run it on your eclipse. My eclipse was installed on windows with jdk-15.0.2 and e(fx)clipse 3.7.0. To get this to work install Eclipse, OpenJDK 11+, and the JavaFX Eclipse plugin (open Eclipse, click the help menu, click Eclipse Marketplace, search for javafx and install the plugin names e(fx)clipse). Your eclipse should be configured for JavaFX Development.
If it is still not working, you may have to change the execution environment to Java SE 1.8. This is located in the section “JRE” when you select “Create Java Project”.
The background and character sprite were all personally designed and created. You can customize your own RPG world background/sprite and replace the images in the files. Custom RPG world backgrounds and character sprites can be designed with RPG Maker MZ.
Currently working on:
-Potentially adding objects, obstacles, or mini games to make it more challenging to win
-Making this project deployable so that i can share it with others by uploading a runnable .jar file and making an .exe file with Launch4j to share with friends/family - via my portfolio (making sure to get the .jar file to upload with dependenciess)