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You should have installed:

Directory structure

  • configs stores all of the wallets used in different networks;
  • constants contains all of your project constant settings files;
  • example_metadata houses all of the testing metadata;
  • utils contains additional useful functions imported in different application files;
  • scripts contains scripts you can run by enter yarn task <filename> <network>;


Install dependencies

The first thing you need to do in order to be able to use the other commands is to install the project dependencies. Move inside the project folder and run:

npm install


You can execute any tasks you find inside the scripts folder using the yarn task <filename> <network> command.

# yarn task <task> <network>
# npm run task <task> <network>
yarn task balance:add devnet

This command will add 1 SOL to the current devnet wallet address balance.

Generate a new wallet

# yarn task wallet <network>
yarn task wallet:get devnet

This creates a new wallet if an old one named devnet.json inside the configs folder is not found. To force generating a new one, you can simply delete the devnet.json file and run the command again.

Import a new wallet

# yarn task wallet <network> <private_key_base58>
yarn task wallet:import devnet <your_private_key_base58>

This creates a new wallet derived from the private key if an old one named devnet.json inside the configs folder is not found.


  1. In order to mint some ntfs on Solana using Metaplex, you need to setup a Candy Machine first.

    yarn task candy-machine:create devnet

    A new Candy Machine will be created pre-configured using the settings you can find inside the candyMachineSettings variable in the scripts/candy-machine:create.js file. Docs here:

  2. The Candy Machine must be filled with the NFT Collection items before minting.

    yarn task candy-machine:fill devnet
  3. Now you can mint your Candy Machine with its associated NFTs.

    yarn task candy-machine:mint devnet

Node used version: 18.12.1


Minting an NFT on Solana using Metaplex






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