Resize and color svg-images
Modify SVG by JSON.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-svg-modify --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
svg_modify: {
options: {
// global options
your_target: {
cwd: "cwd/", // <--- Folder with sources and results
src: "sources/", // <--- Subfolders will be processed too
dest: "result/", // <--- All processed folders wiil be placed here
options: {
// your_target specific options
Type: Boolean
Default value: "true"
Choose whether or not you want to create and open a preview html file
Create config.json and place it to the folder with your SVG-images.
Variations of config.json see below:
For transparent images only!
If SVG-element has fills, these fills will not be replaced.
"defaultColor": "hotpink"
"defaults": {
"arrow-up": {
"width": "200" // <--- height will be setted automatically
"home": {
"height": "50", // <--- width will be setted automatically
"color": "skyblue" // <--- this override 'defaultColor'
"variations": {
"arrow-up": [{
"width": "40" // ---> arrow-up--w40.svg
}, {
"height": "120",
"color": "orange" // ---> arrow-up--h120--orange.svg
}, {
"color": "gold" // ---> arrow-up--gold.svg
"home": [{
"width": "100" // ---> home--w100.svg
}, {
"height": "70",
"color": "pink" // home--h100--pink.svg
}, {
"color": "yellowgreen" // ---> home--yellowgreen.svg
"defaultColor": "blue", // <--- Set color
"defaults": { // <--- 1. Defaults will be processed first
"home": {
"width": "123"
"remove": {
"height": "32",
"color": "teal"
"variations": { // <--- 2. Then will be processed variations
"arrow-up": [{
"width": "40"
}, {
"width": "120",
"color": "gold"
}, {
"color": "yellow"
"home": [{
"width": "100"
}, {
"width": "70",
"color": "crimson"
}, {
"width": "20",
"color": "gray"
}, {
"color": "green"
0.0.7 - Added options & option to not create / open preview file
0.0.4 - Now fill color correctly overrides by config