In order to run the server, we need to have two configuration files: Load file (non-mandatory) and Config file (mandatory).
config.json: This file should contain a dictionary with configuration settings for the server: PaymentService, SupplyService, Database and Admins. Example for the config.json:
{ "PaymentService": "", "SupplyService": "", "dbuser": "postgres", "dbpassword": "lilythecat", "dbhost": "", "dbport": "5432", "Admins": { "admin": "12341234", "admin2": "12341234" } }
Values can be adjusted. Admins must include atleast one admin.
load.json: This file contains Service commands and their arguments that will run on server startup. If a function is not found or the argument number is invalid - an exception will occur. Example for the load.json:
[ { "register": {"args": ["aaa", "asdf1233", ""]} }, { "register": {"args": ["bbb", "asdf1233", ""]} }, { "logIn": {"args": ["bbb", "asdf1233"]} }, { "createStore": {"args": ["bbb", "TESTSTORE"]} }, { "logOut": {"args": ["bbb"]} }, { "logIn": {"args": ["aaa", "asdf1233"]} }, { "createStore": {"args": ["aaa", "store123"]} }, { "createStore": {"args": ["aaa", "456store"]} }, { "addNewProductToStore": {"args": ["aaa", "store123", "apple", "20", "3", "fruit"]} }, { "addNewProductToStore": {"args": ["aaa", "store123", "banana", "30", "8", "fruit"]} }, { "addNewProductToStore": {"args": ["aaa", "store123", "headphones", "10", "700", "electronics"]} }, { "logOut": {"args": ["aaa"]} } ]
The JSON is a list that contains dictionaries with the key being the function name and the value is a dict of arguments (as shown above). Note: the load JSON is not mandatory, meaning we can create a Service without a load file and the system will startup in a "clean" state.
To run the server, follow these steps (works on Linux and MacOS):
Install the required dependencies.
Run ./run from the main directory.
The configs are inserted in in the MainApp folder. Make sure to load the right JSON file.
When the remote DB disconnects, the user will receive a 404 page.