Version 4.0b4 (released on April 12, 2006)
Summary of changes:
- When 'Tlist_Show_One_File' is set, after few files are opened, unable to select tags from the taglist window.
- When the taglist plugin is stored in a directory with space characters in the name, the autoloading of taglist plugin fails.
New features:
- Support for moving cursor to the taglist window when using the ":TlistToggle" command.
- When all the tags in a file are of the same type, in the taglist menu, don't display the tag type.
- Changed the '?' help key to 'F1' in the taglist window.
- Set the filetype for the taglist buffer to 'taglist'
- In Vim7, set the 'winfixwidth' option for the taglist window.
- When jumping between files using the ]] or and [[ or keys, wrap around at the first and last file.