A Simple chatting application that allows multiple users to chat with each other through text, built on top of the NodeJS platform, with Socket.io and ExpressJS.
Release version (Website):
- CSS3
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Socket.io
Preferred tools:
- Visual Studio Code
To run the app simply follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
git clone /~https://github.com/yashodharpatel/iChatApp.git
- Open the terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to the project directory.
- Install dependencies defined in package.json file:
npm install
- Run node locally to start application:
npm start
- Point your browser to http://localhost:8000
- User needs to enter their name so that users who are already online can identify him/her.
- Chat window opens, Number of users already online will be displayed.
- You can now chat with the online users.
Chat Application works on the Socket.io library that allows real-time, event-based communication in Node.js and browser-based applications. It uses the implementation of WebSockets protocol and offers some advantages over the protocol itself.
Regards to Socket.io documentation and Youtube videos for guidance.
Contact me: patelyashodhar012@gmail.com
🌎 Website: https://yashodharpatel.herokuapp.com