This is a basic localtunnel NGINX setup using docker-compose
Copy the .env.dist
for to .env
and modify the parameters defined in the file.
: The domain the localtunnel is running on. Eg:
You'll need to set up
and *
in your DNS control panel to resolve to the IP the containers are running on.
Next, you'll need to generate your certificates in the ssl
folder, this folder will be mounted in the container and used by NGINX.
In the root of this folder, run:
mkdir ./ssl
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 5000 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./ssl/server.key -out ./ssl/server.crt
Just follow the instructions, fill in the information as desired.
Finally, you start the server by running docker-compose up -d
Once started, you can simply use localtunnel with the --host
lt -p 80 --host
More info can be found at /~