This is a collection of Xinux'es Nix bootstrapped templates which can be used to bootstrap your own project for certain technology. The templates have everything set up ready for you, so you can focus on developing the application instead of playing around configuring everything to get it working.
Every repository has its own detailed for more information to get started once you're done bootstrapping.
- Rust (via #rust)
- Rust Nightly (via #rust-nightly)
- Rust C static/shared library (via #rust-shared)
- Rust Telegram Bot (via #rust-telegram)
- Rust Actix (via #rust-actix)
- WIP: Rust Embedded (via #rust-embedded)
In order to bootstrap your own project using our tempaltes, you need to cd
somewhere and on terminal:
# Replace `example` with any supported template above in projects section
nix flake init --template github:xinux-org/templates#example
the command above bootstrap project in current directory, or you can indicate location where it should be boostrapped:
# instead of examples, any chosen project's via #...
nix flake new --template github:xinux-org/templates#example ./my-cool-project
- Official Nix Temapltes - For showing how to create personal template collections.
- Personal Hatsune Miku Playlist - For cheering me up while I was writing all these.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.