The oss_uploader is an Alfred Workflow plugin for uploading images to Ali OSS.
You can download the latest version in Github releases page.
You should set your own information in these codes:
# Define Global Variables
UPDATE_SETTINGS = {'github_slug': 'xiaoyuxie-vico/oss_uploader'}
HELP_URL = '/~'
# oss info
'access_key_id': 'your_access_key_id',
'access_key_secret': 'your_access_key_secret',
'bucket_name': 'your_bucket_name',
'endpoint': '',
TINIFY_KEY = 'your_tinify_key'
Try keyword oss image_name
to upload.
- Upload clipboard image data to Ali OSS (v1.0.1);
- Rename the image name before upload (v1.0.1);
- Reduce the image size before upload (Using TinyJPG) (v1.0.2);
- [TODO] Upload the local image (single or in batch);
- [TODO] Fix rename image error;
This Alfred Workflow plugin is developed based on deanishe/alfred-workflow and TooSchoolForCool/LeetCode-Search. Thanks for this great helper library.