A FastAPI service that provides Python code linting specifically designed for Xian smart contracts. It combines PyFlakes for general Python linting with a custom Contracting linter to ensure contract code follows specific rules and patterns.
- Base64 and Gzip encoded code input support
- Parallel execution of linters
- Deduplication of error messages
- Configurable whitelist patterns for ignored errors
- Standardized error reporting format
- Input validation and size limits
You can install the linter in two ways:
pip install xian-linter
# Clone the repository
git clone /~https://github.com/xian-network/xian-linter.git
cd xian-linter
# Install dependencies using Poetry
poetry install
There are several ways to run the linter server:
- Using the command-line script:
- Using Python's module syntax:
python -m xian_linter
- Using uvicorn directly:
uvicorn xian_linter.linter:app --host --port 8000
poetry run python xian_linter/linter.py
The server will start on http://localhost:8000
by default.
Expects base64-encoded Python code in the request body.
# Example using curl
base64 < contract.py > contract.py.b64
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/lint_base64" --data-binary "@contract.py.b64"
Expects gzipped Python code in the request body.
# Example using curl
gzip -c contract.py > contract.py.gz
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/lint_gzip" -H "Content-Type: application/gzip" --data-binary "@contract.py.gz"
: Comma-separated list of patterns to ignore in lint errors. Default patterns are provided for common Contracting keywords.
"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Error description",
"severity": "error",
"position": {
"line": 3,
"column": 1
The position
field is optional and may not be present for global errors.