This plugin is now put in low maintenance mode.
If you are interested in Docker, XebiaLabs offers a supported plugin :
If you are interested in Docker Compose, the features have been moved to this repository : /~
If you are interested in Docker Machine, the features have been moved to this repository : /~
The Docker plugin is a XL Deploy plugin that adds capability for deploying Docker Images to Docker Machines.
It manages also to deploy docker-compose
files directly or to import them to turn them into Docker.Images
Place the plugin JAR file into your SERVER_HOME/plugins
- XL Deploy 6.0+
- XL Deploy Docker Sample Application /~
- XL Deploy Docker MicroService Sample Application /~
- create a local
with the following command:
$create --driver virtualbox - mydemomachine
Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Machine is running, waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Provisioning created instance...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: docker-machine env mydemomachine
and run the docker-machine env
$docker-machine env mydemomachine
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/bmoussaud/.docker/machine/machines/mydemomachine"
create an
create a new container
in the XLDeploy Repository with the following properties- id: Infrastructure/mylocalmachine/mydemomachine
- Type: docker.Machine
- address:
- port: 2376
- tls_verify: True
- Certificate Path: /Users/bmoussaud/.docker/machine/machines/mydemomachine
And add it to an environment.
A docker.RunContainer
may be configured with with Embedded deployeds:
to configure environment variable (name,value)docker.Port
to configure the exposed portsdocker.Link
to configure on which other containers the container should be linked withdocker.Volume
to configure the volumes the container should use (hostPath:containerPath)
A docker registry can be set up on each docker.RunContainer
ci using the property Registry Host
& Registry Port
- If the property is blank no registry is used.
- If it is not blank, the images will be pulled from the Docker Registry and tagged locally.
Please refer to Packaging Manual for more details about the DAR packaging format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<udm.DeploymentPackage version="3.0-CD-20151113-172025" application="PetDocker">
<smoketest.HttpRequestTest name="smoke test - ha">
<docker.File name="" file="">
<docker.Image name="petclinic-backend">
<smoketest.HttpRequestTest name="smoke test">
<docker.Image name="ha-proxy">
<docker.PortSpec name="ha-proxy/web">
<docker.PortSpec name="ha-proxy/admin">
<docker.EnvironmentVariableSpec name="ha-proxy/BACKENDS">
<docker.Image name="petclinic">
<volumesFrom />
<docker.PortSpec name="petclinic/exposed-port">
<docker.LinkSpec name="petclinic/petclinic-backend">
<docker.VolumeSpec name="petclinic/petclinic-config">
<docker.EnvironmentVariableSpec name="petclinic/loglevel">
<applicationDependencies />
The following table describes which deployable / container combinations are possible.
Deployables | Containers | Generated Deployed |
docker.Image | docker.Machine | docker.RunContainer |
docker.Folder | docker.Machine | docker.DataFolderVolume |
docker.File | docker.Machine | docker.DataFileVolume |
docker.ComposeFile | docker.Machine | docker.ComposedContainers |
The following table describes the effect a deployed has on its container.
Deployed | Create | Destroy | Modify |
docker.RunContainer (*) | Pull the container image, Create the Container, Start the container | Stop the container, Remove the container | Stop the container, Remove the container, Pull the container image, Create the container, Start the container |
docker.DataFileVolume | Create the Docker volume, Copy the file to the volume linked to the container | Delete the file from the volume using the containers mount point | Delete the file from the volume using the containers mount point, Create the Docker volume, Copy the file to the volume linked to the container |
docker.DataFileVolume | Create the Docker volume, Copy the folder to the volume linked to the container | Delete the folder from the volume using the containers mount point | Delete the folder from the volume using the containers mount point, Create the Docker volume, Copy the folder to the volume linked to the container |
(*) the docker.RunContainer
generates the 'create' and the 'start' steps and sorts them based on the links between the containers.