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Prompt for new vs import in /offshore add
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xdnw committed Jan 3, 2024
1 parent 0e87878 commit 84cb28c
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 24 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3837,10 +3837,12 @@ public String taxBracketSheet(@Me IMessageIO io, @Me GuildDB db, @Switch("f") bo
@Command(desc = "Set the bot managed offshore for this guild\n" +
"The alliance must use a guild with locutus settings `ALLIANCE_ID` and `API_KEY` set, and the coalitions `offshore` and `offshoring` set to include the offshore alliance")
@RolePermission(value = Roles.ADMIN)
public String addOffshore(@Me IMessageIO io, @Me User user, @Me GuildDB root, @Me DBNation nation, DBAlliance offshoreAlliance, @Switch("f") boolean force) throws IOException {
public String addOffshore(@Me IMessageIO io, @Me User user, @Me GuildDB root, @Me DBNation nation, @Me JSONObject command, DBAlliance offshoreAlliance, @Switch("n") boolean newAccount, @Switch("i") boolean importAccount, @Switch("f") boolean force) throws IOException {
if (importAccount && newAccount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify both `newAccount` and `importAccount` (pick one)");
if (root.isDelegateServer()) return "Cannot enable offshoring for delegate server (run this command in the root server)";

IMessageBuilder confirmButton = io.create().confirmation(CM.offshore.add.cmd.create(offshoreAlliance.getId() + "", null));
IMessageBuilder confirmButton = io.create().confirmation(command);
GuildDB offshoreDB = offshoreAlliance.getGuildDB();

if (offshoreDB != null) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4020,6 +4022,8 @@ public String addOffshore(@Me IMessageIO io, @Me User user, @Me GuildDB root, @M
return "You do not have " + roleName + " on " + offshoreDB.getGuild() + ". Alternatively " + GuildKey.PUBLIC_OFFSHORING.getCommandMention() + " is not enabled on that guild.";

boolean hasAdmin = Roles.ECON.has(user, offshoreDB.getGuild());

StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
// check public offshoring is enabled
synchronized (OffshoreInstance.BANK_LOCK) {
Expand All @@ -4039,32 +4043,73 @@ public String addOffshore(@Me IMessageIO io, @Me User user, @Me GuildDB root, @M

OffshoreInstance offshoreInstance = offshoreDB.getOffshore();
Map<NationOrAllianceOrGuild, double[]> depoByAccount = offshoreInstance.getDepositsByAA(root, f -> true, true);

boolean hasDepoToReset = depoByAccount.values().stream().anyMatch(depo -> !ResourceType.isZero(depo));
if (hasDepoToReset && !hasAdmin && importAccount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing " + Roles.ADMIN.toDiscordRoleNameElseInstructions(offshoreDB.getGuild()));

if (hasDepoToReset && !newAccount && !importAccount) {
String title = "Reset Balance for " + root.getName();
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder("**__!! WARNING !!__**\n");
if (hasAdmin) {
body.append("Press `New` to make a new account with the offshore\n");
body.append("Press `Import` to import your previous account holdings\n");
} else {
body.append("> This will open a new account and reset your balance with the offshore.\nTo import your previous account holdings, please contact an administrator of the offshore");
body.append("\n\n**Offshore Owner:** <@" + offshoreDB.getGuild().getOwnerId() + ">\n");
body.append("**Offshore:** " + offshoreDB.getGuild().toString() + " | " + offshoreAlliance.getMarkdownUrl() + "\n");
for (Map.Entry<NationOrAllianceOrGuild, double[]> entry : depoByAccount.entrySet()) {
NationOrAllianceOrGuild account = entry.getKey();
double[] depo = entry.getValue();
body.append("**Resetting Accounts:**\n");
if (!ResourceType.isZero(depo)) {
body.append("- " + account.getQualifiedId() + " - worth: `~$" + PnwUtil.convertedTotal(depo) + "`\n");
body.append(" - Balance: `" + PnwUtil.resourcesToString(depo) + "`\n");

JSONObject newAccountCmd = new JSONObject(command).put("force", "true");

IMessageBuilder msg = io.create().embed(title, body.toString());
msg = msg.commandButton(newAccountCmd.put("newAccount", true), "New");
if (hasAdmin) {
JSONObject importAccountCmd = new JSONObject(command).put("force", "true");
msg = msg.commandButton(importAccountCmd.put("importAccount", true), "Import");
return null;

for (Map.Entry<NationOrAllianceOrGuild, double[]> entry : depoByAccount.entrySet()) {
NationOrAllianceOrGuild account = entry.getKey();
double[] depo = entry.getValue();
if (!ResourceType.isZero(depo)) {
long tx_datetime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long receiver_id = 0;
int receiver_type = 0;
int banker = nation.getNation_id();

String note = "#deposit";
double[] amount = depo;
for (int i = 0; i < amount.length; i++) amount[i] = -amount[i];
if (!ResourceType.isZero(amount)) {
if (account.isGuild()) {
offshoreDB.addTransfer(tx_datetime, account.asGuild().getIdLong(), account.getReceiverType(), receiver_id, receiver_type, banker, note, amount);
} else {
offshoreDB.addTransfer(tx_datetime, account.asAlliance(), receiver_id, receiver_type, banker, note, amount);
if (!importAccount) {
double[] depo = entry.getValue();
if (!ResourceType.isZero(depo)) {
long tx_datetime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long receiver_id = 0;
int receiver_type = 0;
int banker = nation.getNation_id();

String note = "#deposit";
double[] amount = depo;
for (int i = 0; i < amount.length; i++) amount[i] = -amount[i];
if (!ResourceType.isZero(amount)) {
if (account.isGuild()) {
offshoreDB.addTransfer(tx_datetime, account.asGuild().getIdLong(), account.getReceiverType(), receiver_id, receiver_type, banker, note, amount);
} else {
offshoreDB.addTransfer(tx_datetime, account.asAlliance(), receiver_id, receiver_type, banker, note, amount);

MessageChannel output = offshoreDB.getResourceChannel(0);
if (output != null) {
String msg = "Added " + PnwUtil.resourcesToString(amount) + " to " + account.getTypePrefix() + ":" + account.getName() + "/" + account.getIdLong();
response.append("Reset deposit for " + root.getGuild() + "\n");
MessageChannel output = offshoreDB.getResourceChannel(0);
if (output != null) {
String msg = "Added " + PnwUtil.resourcesToString(amount) + " to " + account.getTypePrefix() + ":" + account.getName() + "/" + account.getIdLong();
response.append("Reset deposit for " + root.getGuild() + "\n");

Expand Down

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