A webpack plugin for svg transform to iconfont automatically.🎉
- You can package all svg files to iconfont bundle.
- You can use it in your code by setting ClassName(the same as filename) directly without any import or require.
- All process is automatic, you don't care about anything;
- 你可以根据指定资源路径,打包所有的svg文件,统一生成一份iconfont文件
- 整个流程都是自动的,统一生成的文件也是自动引入的,你不用另外的import或者require,你只需要启动你的项目(npm start),即可在你的代码里对应文件名直接设置ClassName,即可显示ICON图标。
First of all, install the module:
npm i svg2iconfont-webpack
⚠️ Warning: The webpack-pluginSvg2Iconfont-webpack
require webpack v4, not support webpack v3.
const Svg2IconfontWebpack = require("svg2iconfont-webpack");
const path = require('path');
const resolve = oppositePath => {
return path.resolve(__dirname, oppositePath);
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new Svg2IconfontWebpack({
// 你的资源文件夹根目录
// your svg assets root url
assetsPath: resolve("./assets/icon"),
// output(输出配置)
output: {
// 输出字体文件的名称(ttf, otf, etc...)
// font-lib name => myIconfont
fileName: "myIconfont",
// 引入CSS文件的名称
// import css modules name
cssFileName: "iconfont-web"
// font options(字体配置)
fontOptions: {
// icon类名的前缀
cssPrefix: 'iconfont',
// 图标的基准大小
// icon basic size
fontSize: 32,
// 图标的font-family
// font-family
fontFamily: 'iconfont'
// 是否开启图标列表预览模式
// 预览模式默认监听在本地3000端口,若端口占用依次递增
preview: false
And you can show the icons by setting ClassName(From Filename), the same name from Filename, including the path,but format to '-' sign.
<!-- 你可以通过设置你对应svg文件的文件名(不带svg后缀名),来达到显示图标的目的,注意,如果你的文件是嵌套在文件夹里面的,请输入文件夹 + 文件名的方式来对应显示,分隔符是“-”而不是“/” -->
<!-- 前缀默认是iconfont,用分隔符和图标名间隔开 -->
<!-- if you want to show the "my-icon-file-name.svg" ICON -->
<!-- the className below represent the icons -->
<!-- `iconfont` from "options.fontOptions.cssPrefix" -->
<i class="iconfont-my-icon-file-name"></i>
Then you will see ICON appeared:
OR You can set its unicode by your own className(First, you should know the ICON's unicode)
<!-- add class "icon-iconfont" -->
<!-- `icon-iconfont` from "options.className" -->
<i class="my-icon-class"></i>
/* your icon class */
.my-icon-class::after {
/* your icon unicode */
content: "\0e602";