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Advent of Code 2024


Daily Themes and Stars

  1. ** programming basics: parsing input, loops, sorting...this is day 1?
  2. ** corner cases, refactoring, premature optimization, tests, $O(8) = O(1)$
  3. ** regular expressions, reading the instructions (example 2 is not the same as example 1)
  4. ** 2D arrays, bounds, regex doesn't work, graph traversal
  5. ** sorting with custom comparators
  6. ** object-oriented programming, order of operations, cycles, grids, why is this so slow?
  7. ** recursion, operator precedence, digit string concatenation, why is this so fast?
  8. ** vectors, procedural programming, grids, distinct values (sets; deduplication)
  9. ** disk fragmentation, arrays (trickier-than-it-looks, annoying procedural programs, puzzle could probably be solved faster than actually doing it...)
  10. ** searching (I used BFS), grids, path-finding
  11. ** dynamic programming, recursion, automata
  12. ** more grids, divide-and-conquer was not the solution, graph searches
  13. ** linear algebra (Ax=b), greedy algorithms, integer division loses information
  14. ** corner case (well, "center case" since the middle doesn't count), constants, modulus operator, even more grids, find the Christmas tree
  15. ** still more grids, refactoring, procedural programming/mutable state, so many cases, order of operations, queues
  16. ** A*, pathfinding, complex arithmetic
  17. ** assembly, backpropagation, too big for Goal Seek
  18. ** pathfinding, bisection
  19. ** tries, dynamic programming/memoization
  20. ** cost analysis (this problem is smaller than it looks), abstraction, even more index trickiness
  21. ** robotics, indirection, nested loops, dynamic programming/memoization, hard problems
  22. ** arithmetic, complicated instructions, subsequences, pseudo-random number generators (PRNG), MapReduce
  23. ** maximal clique problem, matrix-based solution, coping with NP-hard problems
  24. ** logic gates
  25. ** combinations

Lessons Learned

  • VSCode helps so much when it shows the inferred types. This feature is called inlay hints.
  • On the other hand, RustRover's Copilot-like predictions would take some getting used to. I found myself accepting predictions that looked right, but later turned out to have subtle mistakes that were tricky to debug. I know lots of people feel more productive iwth Copilot, but for now I need to learn the language for myself.
  • Consider using into_iter when it's OK to consume the iterator or decorate closure parameters with & to make them a little more comfortable.
  • Use &[T] instead of Vec<T> as function arguments.
  • count() might not do what you expect. Did you mean len()? You might need to collect the iterator into a collection.
  • filter_map() makes clever use of optionals to combine filter and map. It composes nicely with match.
  • Rust regex doesn't support lookahead (?=). Might have been useful for day 4.
  • Vec<Vec<char>> sorta works for 2D strings, but it isn't as clean as you'd like.
  • Rust apparently has no try/catch. There isn't a great way to backtrack from array accesses with yolo bound checks. I think you could avoid the panic with get, but this didn't work with my Vec<Vec<_>>. A hashmap might have been much easier than nested vectors.
  • is_sorted_by and sort_by expect different comparison functions. is_sorted_by operates on booleans, sort_by uses Ordering.
  • Day 6 was difficult for me. I came up with an interesting solution (inspired by a Reddit comment) based on TTLs instead of keeping the path explored. It was a case where compute is faster than memory.
  • My Day 6 solution is among my slowest programs. I wonder if a grid would have been better than the hashmap.
  • Someone else on Reddit helped me with an extra test case.
  • ilog on integers is much faster than casting to and from float types for logarithms.
  • Expect compiler errors or runtime crashes on integer overflow. One should prefer addition to subtraction when comparising distance. z.B, to check if a: u8 is one less than b: u8, use a + 1 == b instead of b - a == 1.
  • Day 11 was a tricky dymanic programming problem. Two tricks: you don't need to worry about the stone order (despite the phrasing of the prompt), and you only need to count occurrences of the numbered stones. I had my head wrapped around a jagged recursive triangle, but you don't need that. This is more like the iterative Fibonacci approach with while i < k { (a, b) = (a + b, b); i += 1 }. You actually can use trees, but you need to count down to a basis of depth=1. See [2024 Day 11][Python] MEGA TUTORIAL. See also [2024 Day 11] Every sequence converges to 3947 points (with proof) for an interesting study of attractors in this problem.
  • include_str! can bring in the contents of a file. My tests show that the performance is about the same as std::fs::read_to_string, but it's nice to ship a binary with no dependent files.
  • In day 9 I had some trouble with the borrow checker. Passing a reference to a mutable struct into a function might not work. Consider the object-oriented approach.
  • Be careful with the Copy and Clone traits with the members of a mutable array. You might accidentally copy a value without realizing it, then be surprised that your writes aren't working. A workaround is to just reference the array members directly.
  • Vector comparison (v1 < v2) might not quite do what you expect in nalgebra.
  • I might have to check out ndarray.
  • These procedural days (days 6, 8, 9, 12, 15) are difficult. Maybe Rust makes it worse, maybe I'm just not good at them.
  • The swaps I did in day 15 probably made this harder than it needed to be. I had made an early design decision to model the game as a grid (2D array) with contents, rather than a collection of game objects with coordinates. Had I opted for the objects, I could have simply incremented their x/y positions as a group instead of this order-dependent swap nightmare.
  • flat_map combines map and flatten.
  • The @ operator binds matched values of a pattern to values.
  • Rust's std::collections does not have a red-black tree, but it does provide a BTree.
  • I was surprised that BTreeSet produced slightly faster runtimes than HashSet in day 18.
  • Day 21 is very difficult. I resorted to modeling the button presses manually using JSON. Serde makes it easy to deserialize a JSON string into a string. I was surprised that it correctly read JSON string elements into the char type for my application.
  • I tried unsuccessfully to reduce day 24 to A*, much like the 8-piece puzzle problem. I still think this method could have worked, but ${222 \choose 2}^4$ is a very large search space. I solved day 24 by rendering the logic gates with GraphViz, learning how an adder works, and spot-the-difference troubleshooting.
  • You can reference named regex capture groups with square brackets (see day 3).
  • Rust is very fast.
  • Very very fast.
  • (Apparently Julia is also very fast).



  • grid for 2D vectors that don't need to be full matrices.
  • nalgebra for matrices.
  • socket2 for future networking projects requiring raw sockets.
  • Ratatui for terminal user interfaces (TUI).
  • clap for command-line argument parsing.
  • hyper and axum for making web applications.
  • Handlebars, Tera, Maud, and Askama for HTML templating.
  • SQLx for accessing databases.
  • Serde for serializing and deserializing JSON and many other data formats.
  • nom for parsing.
  • Bevy for games.
  • pathfinding for graphs.
  • Rayon for parallelism.


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