About • User Stories • Features • Layout • How to run • Technologies • Author • License
Github Explorer is a React project that uses the GitHub API to find repositories you might be interested in, allowing the user to browse through their open issues.
Layout designed by Tiago Luchtenberg:
- A user can search for a GitHub repository by typing the
- A user can list searched repositories
- When clicking on a repository, a user can see repository stars, forks, and open issues
- A user can navigate to a specific issue thread on GitHub by clicking on the card
- A user can switch themes for night reading
- A user must be able to navigate between pages
- Search by GitHub repository by typing the
- Search bar input gets validated, so no empty searches are allowed
- Search by GitHub repository by typing the
- History of searched repositories is displayed on the initial page
- Repository card is animated on mouse-over
- Each repository card display the photo of the repository's owner,
, and description - You can see more information about that repository by clicking on it
Repository Information Page
- You can see the repository stats (stars, forks, and open issues)
- Each open issue is linked to the open issue on Github, so you can open it on a new tab or click to be forwarded to it
- Each open issue card displays the issue title followed by the GitHub user who opened that issue
Theme (New)
- You can switch between light and dark themes
- The theme is a persisted state with its mode saved on local storage, so it will not be lost on page refresh
Initial requirements: Git, Yarn, and a code editor of your choice.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:wilsonfsouza/github-explorer.git
# Access the folder in your terminal/cmd/cli
$ cd github-explorer
# Install all dependencies
$ yarn install
# Start the app in development mode
$ yarn start
# The application will open at port:3000 - access http://localhost:3000
The following tools were used in this project:
Website (React + TypeScript)
See the file package.json
- Editor: Visual Studio Code
- Markdown: StackEdit, Markdown Emoji
- Icons: Feather Icons
- Font-family: Roboto
- Fork the project.
- Start a new branch with your changes:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Save it and create a commit message describing what you have done:
git commit -m "feature: My new feature"
- Send your alterations:
git push origin my-feature
This project is being developed under MIT License.
Made with ❤️ by Wilson Franca 👋