This random lotto nuumber chooser will automatically pick 6 random numbers for you. Now an archived repository!
Thanks to Mike McGrath for the idea and the code.
- Download the Python module if you haven’t already: Download Link, and install it,
- Extract files from your GitHub Download,
- Double click the file in File Explorer,
- And the app will open for you to use!
- Download cx_Freeze if you haven’t already: Download Link, and install it,
- Extract the files from your GitHub download to this location on your computer: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME,
- Open Command Prompt and type the following command:
python bdist_msi
- Run the .msi file that the process creates in a dist sub-directory to create an executable,
- Run the executable and the app will open for you to use!
- Click the 'Get My Lucky Numbers' button in the bottom left hand corner of the app.
- The app will then generate 6 random numbers to replace the '...' in the top 6 squares.
- Cick the reset button in the bottom right corer to get new numbers.
The current release is 1.6. The next release, either 1.7 or 2.0 will hopefully becomming out soon with the following features:
- Number amount control
- Number limit
Your Pull Requests for new features are always welcome! Look to see some of your suggestions in upcomming updates.
Who likes bugs? If you’ve found any feel free to let me know on the issues page and I will make sure to fix them in short order, and release those fixes in new releases.
Note: Please check the known issues list below before posting an issue to see if your issue us already on the list.
- No current know issues
- @willtheorangeguy
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