MemProcFS-Analyzer.ps1 is a PowerShell script utilized to simplify the usage of MemProcFS and to optimize your memory analysis workflow.
MemProcFS - The Memory Process File System by Ulf Frisk
- Fast and easy memory analysis!
- You can mount a memory snapshot (Raw Physical Memory Dump or Microsoft Crash Dump) like a disk image and handle the memory compression feature on Windows
- Auto-Install of MemProcFS, AmcacheParser, AppCompatCacheParser, Elasticsearch, entropy, EvtxECmd, ImportExcel, IPinfo CLI, jq, Kibana, lnk_parser, RECmd, SBECmd, xsv, YARA, and Zircolite
- Auto-Update of MemProcFS, AmcacheParser, AppCompatCacheParser, Elasticsearch, entropy, EvtxECmd (incl. Maps), ImportExcel, IPinfo CLI, jq, Kibana, lnk_parser, RECmd, SBECmd, xsv, YARA, and Zircolite
- Update-Info when there's a new version of ClamAV or a new Dokany File System Library Bundle available
- Pagefile Support
- OS Fingerprinting
- Scan w/ Custom YARA rules (incl. 391 rules by e.g. Chronicle and Elastic Security)
- Multi-Threaded scan w/ ClamAV for Windows
- Collection of infected files detected by ClamAV for further analysis (PW: infected)
- Collection of injected modules detected by MemProcFS PE_INJECT for further analysis (PW: infected)
- Extracting IPv4/IPv6
- IP2ASN Mapping and GeoIP w/ IPinfo CLI → Get your token for free at
- Checking for Suspicious Port Numbers
- Process Tree (TreeView) including complete Process Call Chain (Special thanks to Dominik Schmidt)
- Checking Processes for Unusual Parent-Child Relationships and Number of Instances
- Checking Processes for Unusual User Context
- Checking for Process Path Masquerading and Process Name Masquerading (Damerau Levenshtein Distance)
- Web Browser History (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox)
- Extracting Windows Event Log Files and processing w/ EvtxECmd → Timeline Explorer (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Event Log Overview
- Processing Windows Event Logs w/ Zircolite - A standalone SIGMA-based detection tool for EVTX
- Analyzing extracted Amcache.hve w/ AmcacheParser (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Analyzing Application Compatibility Cache aka ShimCache w/ AppCompatcacheParser (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Analyzing Syscache w/ RECmd (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Analyzing UserAssist Artifacts w/ RECmd (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Analyzing ShellBags Artifacts w/ RECmd (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Simple Prefetch View (based on Forensic Timeline)
- Analyzing Auto-Start Extensibility Points (ASEPs) w/ RECmd (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Analyzing RecentDocs, Office Trusted Document w/ RECmd (EZTools by Eric Zimmerman)
- Analyzing Registry w/ RECmd DFIR Batch File (DFIR Batch File by Andrew Rathbun)
- Analyzing Metadata of Recovered Process Modules (experimental)
- Analyzing Microsoft Protection Logs (experimental)
- Extracting Windows Shortcut Files (LNK)
- Hunting Malicious Windows Shortcut Files (LNK)
- Integration of PowerShell module ImportExcel by Doug Finke
- CSV output data for analysis w/ Timeline Explorer (e.g. timeline-reverse.csv, findevil.csv, web.csv)
- Collecting Evidence Files (Secure Archive Container → PW: MemProcFS)
- Offline-Mode
- and much more
Download the latest version of MemProcFS-Analyzer from the Releases section.
Launch Windows PowerShell (or Windows PowerShell ISE or Visual Studio Code w/ PSVersion: 5.1) as Administrator and open/run MemProcFS-Analyzer.ps1.
Fig 1: MemProcFS-Analyzer.ps1 (First Run) → Updater.ps1
Fig 2: Updater.ps1 automatically installs/updates all dependencies (First Run)
Fig 3: Select your Memory Snapshot and select your pagefile.sys (Optional)
Fig 4: Accept Terms of Use (First Run)
Fig 5: If you find MemProcFS useful, please become a sponsor at: /~
Fig 6: You can investigate the mounted memory dump by exploring drive letter
Fig 7: FindEvil feature and additional analytics
Fig 9: Running and Exited Processes
Fig 11: Checking Process Tree (to find anomalies)
Fig 12: Process Tree: Alert Messages w/ Process Call Chain
Fig 13: Process Tree: Properties View → Double-Click on a process or alert message
Fig 16: Processing Windows Event Logs (EVTX)
Fig 17: Zircolite - A standalone SIGMA-based detection tool for EVTX (Mini-GUI)
Fig 18: Processing extracted Amcache.hve → XLSX
Fig 19: Processing ShimCache → XLSX
Fig 20: Analyze CSV output w/ Timeline Explorer (TLE)
Fig 23: Multi-Threaded ClamAV Scan to help you finding evil! ;-)
Fig 24: Press OK to shutdown MemProcFS and Elastisearch/Kibana
Fig 25: Secure Archive Container (PW: MemProcFS)
Check out Super Easy Memory Forensics by Hiroshi Suzuki and Hisao Nashiwa.
Download and install the latest Dokany Library Bundle → DokanSetup.exe
/~ -
Download and install the latest .NET 6 Desktop Runtime (Requirement for EZTools) -
Download and install the latest Windows package of ClamAV → .msi -
First Time Set-Up of ClamAV
Launch Windows PowerShell console as Administrator.
cd "C:\Program Files\ClamAV"
copy .\conf_examples\freshclam.conf.sample .\freshclam.conf
copy .\conf_examples\clamd.conf.sample .\clamd.conf
write.exe .\freshclam.conf
→ Comment or remove the line that says "Example".
write.exe .\clamd.conf
→ Comment or remove the line that says "Example". -
Optimize ClamAV scan speed performance (30% faster)
Open "C:\Program Files\ClamAV\clamd.conf" with your text editor and search for: "Don't scan files and directories matching regex"
ExcludePath "\\heaps\\"
ExcludePath "\\handles\\"
ExcludePath "\\memmap\\vad-v\\"
ExcludePath "\\sys\\pool\\"
Create your free IPinfo account [approx. 1-2 min]
Open "MemProcFS-Analyzer.ps1" with your text editor, search for "Please insert your Access Token here" and copy/paste your access token. -
Install the NuGet package provider for PowerShell
Check if NuGet is available in the package providers by running the following command:
Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable
If NuGet is not installed on your system yet, you have to install it.
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Make sure to comment/uncomment (selectively enable or disable) the functions you want to play with (Elasticsearch and ELKImport are disabled by default). Check out the "Main" in the bottom of the script.
Done! 😃
- Turn off your antivirus protection temporarily or better exclude your MemProcFS-Analyzer directory from scanning.
- Elasticsearch Tips
7-Zip 24.08 Standalone Console (2024-08-11)
AmcacheParser v1.5.1.0 (.NET 6)
AppCompatCacheParser v1.5.0.0 (.NET 6)
ClamAV - Download → Windows → (2024-09-04)
Dokany File System Library v2.2.0.1000 (2024-08-18)
/~ → DokanSetup.exe
Elasticsearch 8.16.0 (2024-11-12)
entropy v1.1 (2023-07-28)
EvtxECmd v1.5.0.0 (.NET 6)
ImportExcel v7.8.10 (2024-10-21)
IPinfo CLI 3.3.1 (2024-03-01)
jq v1.7.1 (2023-12-13)
Kibana 8.16.0 (2024-11-12)
lnk_parser v0.2.0 (2022-08-10)
MemProcFS v5.12.6 - The Memory Process File System (2024-10-09)
RECmd v2.0.0.0 (.NET 6)
SBECmd v2.0.0.0 (.NET 6)
xsv v0.13.0 (2018-05-12)
YARA v4.5.2 (2024-09-10)
Zircolite v2.30.1 (2024-10-13)
Demo of MemProcFS with Elasticsearch
Sponsor MemProcFS Project