Combine data from multiple dump1090 / readsb receivers (or other receivers providing beast protocol data)
Does not interfere with an already configured dump1090-fa / readsb but instead creates another instance with its own webinterface at /combine1090
Should work on the adsbexchange / piaware sd-card images.
For quite a few users, this could be an easier to use alternative: If you're looking for an all in one image with configuration via webinterface, give it a try.
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"
wget -O /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/
Edit /etc/default/combine1090 to configure which IP addresses this script should get the ADS-B data from
sudo nano /etc/default/combine1090
Ctrl-x to exit, y (yes) to save when asked. Then restart combine1090:
sudo systemctl restart combine1090 combine1090-dump
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"
Configure SOURCES (source ips), PORTs (source ports) and TARGET (target ip and port) in /etc/default/combine1090. There will be no dedicated readsb started as a target for data redirection, you need to provide that target yourself. Also as there is no extra readsb there will be no extra web page or lighttpd configuration.
Click the following URL and replace the IP address with the IP address of the Raspberry Pi you installed combine1090 on.
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"
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