Python implementation of automata theory.
- GitHub: /~
- PyPI:
- Documentation:
- Changelog:
- Issue Tracker:/~
- Download:
- from PyPI:
pip install pythomata
- or, from source (e.g.
pip install git+/~
- or, clone the repository and install:
git clone /~
cd pythomata
pip install .
- Define an automaton:
from pythomata import SimpleDFA
alphabet = {"a", "b", "c"}
states = {"s1", "s2", "s3"}
initial_state = "s1"
accepting_states = {"s3"}
transition_function = {
"s1": {
"b" : "s1",
"a" : "s2"
"s2": {
"a" : "s2",
"b" : "s1",
"c" : "s3",
"c" : "s3"
dfa = SimpleDFA(states, alphabet, initial_state, accepting_states, transition_function)
- Test word acceptance:
# a word is a list of symbols
word = "bbbac"
dfa.accepts(word) # True
# without the last symbol c, the final state is not reached
dfa.accepts(word[:-1]) # False
- Operations such as minimization and trimming:
dfa_minimized = dfa.minimize()
dfa_trimmed = dfa.trim()
- Translate into a
graph = dfa.minimize().trim().to_graphviz()
To print the automaton:
For that you will need to install Graphviz. Please look at their download page for detailed instructions depending on your system.
The output looks like the following:
- Basic DFA and NFA support;
- Algorithms for DFA minimization and trimming;
- Algorithm for NFA determinization;
- Translate automata into Graphviz objects.
- Support for Symbolic Automata.
To run the tests:
To run only the code style checks:
tox -e flake8 -e mypy
To build the docs:
mkdocs build
To view documentation in a browser
mkdocs serve
and then go to http://localhost:8000
Pythomata is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later (LGPLv3+).
Copyright 2018-2020 WhiteMech