This repository contains a simple demo of the WheelVariant
# 1. Create a virtualenv
# WARNING: Installing PEP 771 overwrites a bunch of standard python library.
# Do not install this in your main python environment.
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
# 2. Set the index to the WheelNext Static Wheel Server: MockHouse & Backup to PyPI
$ pip config set --site global.index-url
>>> Writing to /path/to/venv/pip.conf
By doing this - It should install the normal package (aka. non variant), proving the backward compatibility of the design.
$ pip install --dry-run dummy-project
>>> Looking in indexes:
>>> Collecting dummy-project
>>> Downloading (1.3 kB)
>>> Would install dummy_project-0.0.1
Danger: This command will overwrite your installed pip
. Make sure you are in the virtualenv
# Install the PEP XXX - Wheel Variants Meta Package, that will give you the modified libraries:
# - pip
# - variantlib (a new package)
$ pip install --extra-index-url= pep-xxx-wheel-variants
>>> Successfully installed attrs-24.3.0 pep-xxx-wheel-variants-1.0.0 pip-25.1.dev0 variantlib-0.0.1.dev1
# Let's verify everything is good:
$ pip --version
>>> pip 25.1.dev0+pep-xxx-wheel-variants from ... # <=============== Check you can see `+pep-xxx-wheel-variants`
$ variantlib --version
>>> variantlib version: 0.0.1.dev1
If you don't install a plugin => We would expect no variant behavior to be enabled
$ pip install --dry-run dummy-project
>>> VariantLib: Discovering Wheel Variant plugins...
>>> Looking in indexes:
>>> Collecting dummy-project
>>> Using cached (1.3 kB)
>>> Would install dummy_project-0.0.1
# Ensuring the environment is clear of plugins
$ pip uninstall -y provider_fictional_hw provider_fictional_tech
$ pip install --extra-index-url= git+/~
# Verifying the install
$ pip freeze | grep provider_fictional_hw
>>> provider_fictional_hw @ git+/~<some_hash>
And then let's install dummy_plugin
$ pip install --dry-run dummy-project
>>> VariantLib: Discovering Wheel Variant plugins...
>>> VariantLib: Loading plugin: fictional_hw - v1.0.0
>>> Total Number of Compatible Variants: 319
>>> Total Number of Tags Generated: 209,280
>>> Looking in indexes:
>>> Total Number of Tags Generated: 209,280
>>> Collecting dummy-project
>>> Downloading (1.4 kB)
>>> Would install dummy_project-0.0.1-~36266d4d
Which corresponds as the following WheelVariant:
############################## Variant: `36266d4d` #############################
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: architecture :: HAL9000
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: compute_accuracy :: 0
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: compute_capability :: 6
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: humor :: 2
# Ensuring the environment is clear of plugins
$ pip uninstall -y provider_fictional_hw provider_fictional_tech
$ pip install --extra-index-url= git+/~
# Verifying the install
$ pip freeze | grep provider_fictional_tech
>>> provider_fictional_hw @ git+/~<some_hash>
And then let's install dummy_plugin
$ pip install --dry-run dummy-project
>>> VariantLib: Discovering Wheel Variant plugins...
>>> VariantLib: Loading plugin: fictional_tech - v1.0.0
>>> Total Number of Compatible Variants: 11
>>> Total Number of Tags Generated: 7,848
>>> Looking in indexes:
>>> Total Number of Tags Generated: 7,848
>>> Collecting dummy-project
>>> Downloading (1.4 kB)
>>> Would install dummy_project-0.0.1-~9091cdc4
Which corresponds as the following WheelVariant:
############################## Variant: `9091cdc4` #############################
Variant Metadata: fictional_tech :: quantum :: SUPERPOSITION
Variant Metadata: fictional_tech :: risk_exposure :: 25
Variant Metadata: fictional_tech :: technology :: auto_chef
# Ensuring the environment is clear of plugins
$ pip uninstall -y provider_fictional_hw provider_fictional_tech
$ pip install --extra-index-url= \
git+/~ \
# Verifying the install
$ pip freeze | grep provider_fictional_hw
>>> provider_fictional_hw @ git+/~<some_hash>
$ pip freeze | grep provider_fictional_tech
>>> provider_fictional_hw @ git+/~<some_hash>
And then let's install dummy_plugin
$ pip install --dry-run dummy-project
>>> VariantLib: Discovering Wheel Variant plugins...
>>> VariantLib: Loading plugin: fictional_hw - v1.0.0
>>> VariantLib: Loading plugin: fictional_tech - v1.0.0
>>> Total Number of Compatible Variants: 1,727
>>> Total Number of Tags Generated: 1,130,112
>>> Looking in indexes:
>>> Total Number of Tags Generated: 1,130,112
>>> Collecting dummy-project
>>> Using cached (1.4 kB)
>>> Would install dummy_project-0.0.1-~6b4c8391
Which corresponds as the following WheelVariant:
############################## Variant: `6b4c8391` #############################
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: architecture :: deepthought
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: compute_accuracy :: 10
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: compute_capability :: 10
Variant Metadata: fictional_hw :: humor :: 0
Variant Metadata: fictional_tech :: quantum :: FOAM