Your terminal has to accept ANSI colors so that the colors can be seen
Username: 1337
Password: 1337
The source is not mine, I just made a few additions, the original owner of the source SkyWtkh
It would help me a lot if you give a star ⭐ to this repository.
One star from you = more desire to continue updating Stanley
- Open Source
- Stable
- Simple
- Methods for Layer 4 and 7
- Bypass (CF, OVH, Etc)
- The source is not mine, I just made a few additions, the original owner of the source SkyWtkh
git clone /~
cd Stanley
sudo python3
ulimit -n 999999
chmod +x *
sudo python3
CNC Coded SkyWtkh
(Methods <3)
(Inspiration <3)
Do not attack government pages (.gov/.gob), educational pages (.edu) or the United States Department of Defense (.mil),
the creator is not responsible for the damage caused by the attacks.
remember: you are responsible for the attacks since this tool was created for educational purposes