Link to completed project here
Link to project frontend here
Link to project backend here
This schedule will be used to keep track of your progress throughout the week and align with our expectations.
You are responsible for scheduling time with your squad to seek approval for each deliverable by the end of the corresponding day, excluding Saturday
and Sunday
Day | Deliverable | Status |
Day 1 | Project Description | Complete |
Day 1 | Wireframes / Priority Matrix / Timeline backend and frontend |
Complete |
Day 2 | Working RestAPI | Complete |
Day 3 | Core Application Structure (HTML, CSS, etc.) | Complete |
Day 4 | MVP & Bug Fixes | Complete |
Day 5 | Final Touches and Present | Complete |
This finance tracker is a simple tool for users to visualize their spending history. The front-end will be built using HTML, CSS, Vue.js, Bootstrap, jQuery and D3.js. Our users value a minimal layout and functionality to achieve their goals faster. Users will be able to make an account and sign in. Users will be able to store their expenses in a database. Users will be able to exclusively access their own expenses. Users will be able to see their expenses as a table and as a color-coded pie chart. In future features, users will be able to:
- log in using social media accounts
- select dates
- select different types of charts
- make multiple budgets, and
- sort expenses by category.
Here is a full list of features that have been prioritized based on the Time and Priority
The functionality will then be divided into two separate lists: MPV and PostMVP. The MVP list includes functionality that will be implemented upon project completion.
- Hamburger menu/Navigation Bar (mobile-first)
- Sign In Modal
- Log In Modal
- Input Expenses Modal
- Table Template
- Vue.js
- Total spending
- CSS (Bootstrap)
- D3.js Table
- D3.js Chart
- Footer
- About, Contact, etc. for the footer
- More charts (line graph, bar chart, pie chart)
- Filter by month, year, etc.
- Sort by category
- Logo
- User profile
Based on the initial logic defined in the previous sections, try and breakdown the logic further into functional components, and by that we mean functions. Try and capture what logic would need to be defined if the game was broken down into the following categories.
Time frames are also key in the development cycle. You have limited time to code all phases of the game. Your estimates can then be used to evalute game possibilities based on time needed and the actual time you have before game must be submitted. It's always best to pad the time by a few hours so that you account for the unknown so add and additional hour or two to each component to play it safe.
Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Allotted | Actual Time |
Hamburger menu/Navbar (mobile-first) | H | 1 hr | 10 hrs | 2 hrs |
Sign In Modal | H | 3 hrs | 3 hrs | 1.5 hrs |
Input Modal | H | 3 hrs | 3 hrs | 1.5 hrs |
Table Template | H | 3 hrs | 10 hrs | 5 hrs |
Vue.js | M | 3 hrs | 5 hrs | 5 hrs |
Average and totals | H | 3 hrs | 1hr | 1 hr |
CSS (Bootstrap & D3.js) | H | 3hrs | 17 hrs | 8hrs |
D3.js Chart & Table | H | 2 hrs | 10 hrs | 10hrs |
Total | H | 23 hrs | 59 hrs | 34 hrs |
Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested | Actual Time |
About, Contact, etc. for the footer | L | 2 hrs | 8 hrs | 12 hrs |
More charts (line graph, bar chart) | L | 4 hrs | -hr | -hr |
Filter by month, year, etc. | H | 4 hrs | -hr | -hr |
Sort by category | H | 4 hrs | -hr | -hr |
Choose specific category/date to look at | H | 4 hrs | -hr | -hr |
Logo | L | 2.5 hrs | 1 hr | 1 hr |
Landing page | L | 3 hrs | 1 hr | 2 hr |
Animations | L | 2 hrs | 1 hr | 1 hr |
Refactoring | L | 10 hrs | -hrs | - hrs |
Total | M | 35.5 hrs | 11 hrs | 16 hrs |
- Vue.js (DOM manipulation, fetch requests from the backend, display)
- Bootstrap (design, light responsiveness, display)
- D3.js (data visualization, creating responsive table & pie chart)
- jQuery (Bootstrap functionality)
Use this section to include a brief code snippet of functionality that you are proud of an a brief description
handleSignup: function () {
const URL = this.prodURL ? this.prodURL : this.devURL;
const user = JSON.stringify({
username: this.createUN,
password: this.createPW,
fetch(`${URL}/users`, {
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: user,
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
if (data.error) {
alert("sign up unsuccessful");
} else {
alert("signup successful");
this.user = data.user;
this.token = data.token;
this.loggedin = true;
budget.loggedin = true;
expense.loggedin = true;
expense.heading = `${login.user.username}'s Budget`;
this.loginPW = "";
this.loginUN = "";
// use a class so you don't re-select the existing <td> elements
.data(function (d) {
return [d];
.attr("data-toggle", "modal")
.attr("data-target", "#updateExpenseModal")
.attr("class", "update")
.attr("id", function (d) {
.on("click", assignID);
Use this section to list of all major issues encountered and their resolution.
ERROR: BootstrapVue library had difficulty importing properly RESOLUTION: Kept jQuery library for MVP, will refactor to write Bootstrap functionality in vanilla JS
ERROR: Cannot use vanilla JS files in a project also using Vue.js RESOLUTION: kept jQuery library for MVP, will refactor to try vanilla JS as Vue.js methods
ERROR: generating tables & charts in D3.js from fetch data
RESOLUTION: DOM manipulation with D3.js
ERROR: Display buttons on login & signup RESOLUTION: use v-if in HTML
ERROR: Have users be automatically logged in once signed up RESOLUTION: call handleLogin in handleSignup
ERROR: Generate a budget under the hood upon signup RESOLUTION: call createBudget function in handleSignup
ERROR: Display the user-specific budget & expenses upon signup RESOLUTION: create a Vue method to get budget by user ID
ERROR: Resizing D3 svg responsively RESOLUTION: use viewBox attribute
ERROR: Font Awesome icons not displaying on table buttons (attempt at fitting table to mobile view)
and <button>
don't work well together (EITHER <i>
with <a>
OR <span>
with <button>
), so horizontal scroll bar added to table
ERROR: Mixed content warning for D3.js libraries
RESOLUTION: Deployed front-end on
instead of Netlify