Fake out your internet skid friends with this simple program that does physically nothing to aid human civilization! Ever wanted to get payback on your online friend (that might not even be real) who scammed you out of your home for a month of discord nitro because they felt like it on a wednesday night?
Well, do I have the tool for you! Send this to that one friend who made you rethink your life choices, and watch them send an airstrike made out of nothing but bark off a tree (they WILL miss I swear)
It's quite simple, really! It is!
Run the following command in your console/terminal:
pip -m install discord-webhook
and run your program to start your 8 octillion year wait, good luck!
Q: Can I scam discord no-lifes with this? A: That would make you a no-life, no?
Q: Can I add my own malware to this? A: Seek professional help.
Q: SkidLordSupreme here, can I put this behind a paywall and claim it as my own? A: lmao get a life
Q: Can I read this to practice my python skills? A: Go right ahead!