Contributors: thierrypigot, wearewp, gbissland
Tags: Beaver Builder, clear, cache, admin bar
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 1.2.0
Version: 1.2.0
Text Domain: bb-delete-cache
License: GPLv2
License URI:
This plugin allows you to clear Beaver Builder cache directly from the WordPress admin bar.
- Updated for modern WordPress versions (now supports PHP 7.4+)
- Better Admin Bar Integration (user roles and seperate menu bar item)
- Fixed nonce verification issues for security.
- Improved sanitization & escaping to follow WordPress coding standards.
- Restricted access to Editors and Admins only (
capability required).
Beaver Builder caches assets to improve performance, but sometimes, changes don’t appear instantly. This plugin adds a "Clear Cache" button to the WordPress admin bar, so you can:
- Clear cache for the current page
- Clear cache for the entire website
- Avoid clearing Beaver Builder cache manually via FTP
This plugin is based on the original BB Delete Cache plugin by Thierry Pigot and wearewp, which looks like was abandoned in 2019.
UPDATED: A compatibility update was made and the original plugin is now functioning.
Weave has updated and now actively maintains this plugin to support modern WordPress and PHP versions while we continue ot use BB..
When installing this plugin from GitHub:
- Go to the Releases page
- Download the latest release ZIP file
- Extract the ZIP file on your computer
- Rename the extracted folder to remove the version number
(e.g., from
) - Create a new ZIP file from the renamed folder
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin
- Upload your new ZIP file and activate the plugin
- Plugin should then auto-update moving forward if there are any changes.
Note: The folder renaming step is necessary for WordPress to properly handle plugin updates and functionality.
Clear Cache for a Single Page:
Click "Clear This Page Cache" in the admin bar while editing a post. -
Clear Cache for All Pages:
Click "Clear Beaver Builder Cache" to reset cache site-wide.
- Requires PHP 7.4+ (Fully compatible with PHP 8.x)
- Requires WordPress 5.0+
- Tested with WordPress 6.4
- Better Admin Bar Integration:
- If the user has Beaver Builder frontend editing access, the cache clearing options now appear inside the Beaver Builder admin bar menu.
- If the user does not have Beaver Builder access, a new top-level admin bar menu is created, ensuring Editors and Admins can still clear the cache.
- Ensured only Editors and Admins (
capability) can clear the cache, preventing unauthorized users from accessing cache options.
- Improved compatibility with Beaver Builder’s user access settings (
). - Optimized admin bar rendering to prevent unnecessary loading.