Pathedit by Al Williams (
Public Domain
This is a simple hack to let you edit your path with your favorite editor.
You can't run it as a script--it has to run in the current shell using "."
So you can say:
. pathedit
However, I usually alias it like this:
alias pathed=". pathedit"
It will pick up your editor from $EDITOR or $VISUAL. If you like, you can use
If you want a special editor just for this tool.
You can source with the alias argument to automatically set up an alias:
. pathedit alias
You can also use envedit to edit arbitrary environment variables:
. envedit LD_PATH
Of course using envedit on PATH should be the same as using pathedit
Another technique that doesn't require any software at all is to edit your command line useing Control+X Control+E. However, that doesn't preload your variable into the editor. Sure, you could copy/paste, but now you are getting a pretty involved workflow over just typing pathed.
If you prefer, use envedit2 the same way and you will get the environment variable pushed into your command line buffer. This is a bit of a hack but ought to work. There's also pathedit2.