This role setups a host as a controlhost for the DevOps Ansible Automation for AEM.
The role installs the following tools
- Maven
- Ansible (inlcuding required pip packages like cffi, jmespath, boto etc.)
- Terraform
When provided the role will deploy your AWS credentials
and the
.vault_pass file
The role also enables you to configure the environment in your .bashrc if required.
For Maven the provisioning of settings.yml
and the
(optional) is supported.
Beside the required os packages for the tools the following packages will be installed to allow fast monitoring and debugging:
- nano
- iftop
- htop
- iotop
This role requires Ansible 2.7 or higher.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values.
controlhost_dependency_maven: true
Enables / disables the maven role dependency.
controlhost_dependency_java: true
Enables / disables the java role dependency.
controlhost_dependency_epel: true
Enables / disables the epel role dependency.
controlhost_dependency_terraform: true
Enables / disables the terraform role dependency.
controlhost_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER | default(ansible_env.USER) }}"
The user on the controlhost.
controlhost_group: "{{ controlhost_user }}"
The users group on the controlhost.
controlhost_user_home: "/home/{{ controlhost_user }}"
The home directory of the user.
controlhost_maven_path: "{{ controlhost_user_home }}/.m2"
Path to the Maven directory.
controlhost_maven_settings_path: "{{ controlhost_maven_path }}/settings.xml"
Path to Maven settings.xml.
controlhost_maven_settings_security_path: "{{ controlhost_maven_path }}/settings-security.xml"
Path to Maven settings-security.xml.
controlhost_maven_artifact_threads: 5
Threads used by maven when downloading artifacts. Increasing improves download speed.
When set, a Maven settings-security.xml will be created with the encrypted master password and the credentials for the controlhost_maven_repositories will be encrypted using the Maven master password.
controlhost_nodejs_npmrc_path: "{{ controlhost_user_home }}/.npmrc"
Path to the .npmrc.
controlhost_nodejs_npmrc_always_auth: true
Controls the "always-auth" parameter in .npmrc.
# controlhost_nodejs_npmrc_registries:
#- registry:
# username:
# password:
When registries are configured the .npmrc will be provisioned. Please note that at the moment only one registry can be defined. The username and password have to be provided in plan. The role will taking care of creating the auth token.
#controlhost_vault_pass_path: "{{ controlhost_user_home }}/.ansible/.vault_pass"
environment variable in the
.bashrc is set.
When set the specified file will be copied to the controlhost to
controlhost_aws_credentials_path: "{{ controlhost_user_home }}/.aws/credentials"
The path of the aws credentials file. Works together with: controlhost_aws_credentials_src
When set the specified file will be copied to the control to
#controlhost_default_editor: "nano"
When set the bashrc will export EDITOR with this value.
controlhost_bashrc: "{{ controlhost_user_home }}/.bashrc"
Path to the bash/shell run commands file for provisioning
- id: central
- id: adobe-public-releases
enabled: "true"
updatePolicy: "never"
enabled: "false"
List of Maven repositories to be configured in Maven settings.xml. Per default maven central and the public release repository from Adobe is configured here.
- id: [REPO-ID]
url: [REPO-URL]
username: [USERNAME] # optional
password: [USERNAME] # optional
releases: # (optional)
[KEY]:[VALUE] # will be converted to <key>value</key>
snapshots: # (optional)
[KEY]:[VALUE] # will be converted to <key>value</key>
List of configuration options for a maven repository.
controlhost_maven_mirrors: []
List of mirror configurations. See for configuration details.
# Mirror configuration
# - id: [REPO-ID]
# url: [REPO-URL]
# mirrorOf: *
Example for a mirror configuration.
# controlhost_maven_settings_custom:
When set this part is rendered as is into the block of the maven settings.
#controlhost_ansible_version: 2.5.6
When set the given version of Ansible will be installed on the controlhost.
controlhost_python_version: 3
Controls if Python3 or Python2 will be installed. The exact version depends on the host's OS.
controlhost_packages_pip_upgrade: true
Controls if pip will be executed using the --upgrade option.
controlhost_packages_pip_enabled: true
Enables / disables pip package installation.
- markupsafe
- jmespath
- cffi
- cryptography
- boto
- lxml
- boto3
- rsa
- colorama
- botocore
- s3transfer
- awscli
Pip packages to install. Pip package definition as of When using Ansible 2.7+ you can also specify versions as documented here:
# controlhost_packages_os: []
List of os packages to install on the controlhost. OS specific, see variable definition in the vars folder.
controlhost_packages_os_enabled: true
Enables / disables os package installation.
This role depends on the following roles:
- geerlingguy.repo-epel (RedHat OS only)
- gantsign.maven
- andrewrothstein.terraform
Setup the localhost as a controlhost with default editor NANO
, a
located in .ansible/.vault_pass
'masterpassword' as Maven master password.
- hosts: localhost
controlhost_default_editor: nano
controlhost_vault_pass_path: "{{ controlhost_user_home }}/.ansible/.vault_pass"
controlhost_maven_master_password: masterpassword
- wcm_io_devops.conga_ansible_controlhost
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