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A simple tool for viewing and reporting base modification frequencies from BAM files


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minimod is a simple tool for handling base modifications. It takes an aligned BAM file with modifications tags and the reference FASTA as inputs, and outputs base modifications (TSV) or base modification frequencies (TSV or bedmethyl).

Minimod reads base modification information encoded under MM:Z and ML:B:C SAM tags specified in SAMtags specification.

IMPORTANT: minimod is currently in early development stage. So note that the interface, thresholds and defaults may change. Watch out for bugs and open an issue if you find one. This notice will be removed when things are stable and undergo more rigorous testing

Table of Contents



sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev  # install zlib development libraries

Building a release

wget /~$VERSION/minimod-$VERSION-release.tar.gz
tar xvf minimod-$VERSION-release.tar.gz 
cd minimod-$VERSION/
scripts/  # download and compile the htslib


Usage information can be printed using minimod -h command.

Usage: minimod <command> [options]

         view          view base modifications
         mod-freq      output base modifications frequencies


# view all 5mC methylations at CG context in tsv format (default mod code: m, context:CG)
minimod view ref.fa reads.bam > mods.tsv

# 5mC methylation frequencies at CG context in tsv format (default mod code: m, threshold: 0.8, context:CG)
minimod mod-freq ref.fa reads.bam > modfreqs.tsv

# 5mC methylation frequencies at CG context in bedmethyl format (default mod code: m, threshold: 0.8, context:CG)
minimod mod-freq -b ref.fa reads.bam > modfreqs.bedmethyl

# modification frequencies of multiple types ( m (5-methylcytosine) and h (5-hydroxymethylcytosine) in CG context with thresholds 0.8 and 0.7 respectively )
minimod mod-freq -c m[CG],h[CG] -m 0.8,0.7 ref.fa reads.bam > mods.tsv

minimod view

minimod view ref.fa reads.bam > mods.tsv

This writes all base modifications (default modification code "m") to a file (mods.tsv) in tsv format. Sample output is given below.

Usage: minimod view ref.fa reads.bam

basic options:
   -c STR                     modification code(s) (eg. m, h) [m]
   -t INT                     number of processing threads [8]
   -K INT                     batch size (max number of reads loaded at once) [512]
   -B FLOAT[K/M/G]            max number of bases loaded at once [20.0M]
   -h                         help
   -p INT                     print progress every INT seconds (0: per batch) [0]
   -o FILE                    output file [stdout]
   --verbose INT              verbosity level [4]
   --version                  print version

Sample mods.tsv output

ref_contig	ref_pos	strand	read_id	read_pos	mod_code	mod_prob
chr22	19979864	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	14	m	0.709804
chr22	19979882	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	32	m	0.949020
chr22	19979885	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	35	m	0.980392
chr22	19979888	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	38	m	0.780392
chr22	19979900	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	50	m	0.623529
chr22	19979902	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	52	m	0.992157
chr22	19979929	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	79	m	0.941176
chr22	19979939	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	89	m	0.141176
chr22	19979948	+	m84088_230609_030819_s1/55512555/ccs	98	m	0.623529
Field Type Definition
1. ref_contig str chromosome
2. ref_pos int position (0-based) of the base in reference
3. strand char strand (+/-) of the read
4. read_id str name of the read
5. read_pos int position (0-based) of the base in read
6. mod_code char base modification code as in SAMtags: 1.7 Base modifications
7. mod_prob float probability (0.0-1.0) of base modification

minimod mod-freq

minimod mod-freq ref.fa reads.bam > modfreqs.tsv

This writes base modification frequencies (default modification code "m" in CG context with modification threshold 0.8) to a file (modfreqs.tsv) file in tsv format.

Usage: minimod mod-freq ref.fa reads.bam

basic options:
   -b                         output in bedMethyl format [not set]
   -c STR                     modification codes (eg. m, h) [m]
   -m FLOAT                   min modification threshold(s). Comma separated values for each modification code given in -c [0.8]
   -t INT                     number of processing threads [8]
   -K INT                     batch size (max number of reads loaded at once) [512]
   -B FLOAT[K/M/G]            max number of bases loaded at once [20.0M]
   -h                         help
   -p INT                     print progress every INT seconds (0: per batch) [0]
   -o FILE                    output file [stdout]
   --verbose INT              verbosity level [4]
   --version                  print version

Sample modfreqs.tsv output

contig	start	end	strand	n_called	n_mod	freq	mod_code
chr22	20016337	20016337	+	5	0	0.000000	m
chr22	20016594	20016594	+	2	0	0.000000	m
chr22	20017045	20017045	+	1	0	0.000000	m
chr22	19970705	19970705	+	1	0	0.000000	m
chr22	19981716	19981716	+	1	1	1.000000	m
chr22	20020909	20020909	+	3	0	0.000000	m
chr22	19995719	19995719	+	4	2	0.500000	m
chr22	20017060	20017060	+	1	0	0.000000	m
chr22	19971259	19971259	+	1	1	1.000000	m
Field Type Definition
1. contig str chromosome
2. start int position (0-based, inclusive) of the base
3. end int position (0-based, inclusive) of the base
4. strand char strand (+/-) of the read
5. n_called int number of reads called for base modification
6. n_mod int number of reads with base modification
7. freq float n_mod/n_called ratio
8. mod_code char base modification code as in SAMtags: 1.7 Base modifications

Sample modfreqs.bedmethyl output

chr22	20016387	20016388	m	4	-	20016387	20016388	255,0,0	4	0.000000
chr22	20016820	20016821	m	1	+	20016820	20016821	255,0,0	1	0.000000
chr22	19999255	19999256	m	7	+	19999255	19999256	255,0,0	7	0.000000
chr22	20016426	20016427	m	1	+	20016426	20016427	255,0,0	1	100.000000
chr22	19988365	19988366	m	1	-	19988365	19988366	255,0,0	1	100.000000
chr22	19988168	19988169	m	1	-	19988168	19988169	255,0,0	1	100.000000
chr22	20016904	20016905	m	1	+	20016904	20016905	255,0,0	1	0.000000
chr22	20011898	20011899	m	8	-	20011898	20011899	255,0,0	8	25.000000
chr22	19990123	19990124	m	3	+	19990123	19990124	255,0,0	3	0.000000
chr22	19982787	19982788	m	1	+	19982787	19982788	255,0,0	1	0.000000
Field Type Definition
1. contig str chromosome
2. start int position (0-based, inclusive) of the base
3. end int position (0-based, not inclusive) of the base
4. mod_code char base modification code as in SAMtags: 1.7 Base modifications
5. n_mod int number of reads with base modification
6. strand char strand (+/-) of the read
7. start int = field 2
8. end int = field 3
9. n_mod int = field 5
10. freq float n_mod/n_called ratio

Modification codes and contexts

Base modification codes and contexts can be set for both view and mod-freq tool using -c option to take only specific base modifications found in a given contexts. The context should match in the reference and bases in unmatching contexts are ignored.

Here is an example command to explain all possible context formats.

minimod view -c a[A],h[CG],m,a[*] ref.fa reads.bam
minimod mod-freq -c a[A],h[CG],m,a[*] ref.fa reads.bam
  • a[A] : type a modifications of all A bases
  • h[CG]: type h modifications in CG context (CpG sites)
  • m: type m modifications in default CG context
  • a[*]: type a modifications in all contexts

If the context is not specified in square brackets along with modification code, minimod will consider following default contexts.

All possible modification codes supported by minimod along with default contexts if not specified (SAMtags: 1.7 Base modifications)

Unmodified base Code Abbreviation Name Default context
C m 5mC 5-Methylcytosine CG
C h 5hmC 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine CG
A a 6mA 6-Methyladenine A

Note that we have done a lot of testing on 5mc and some limited testing on 6mA and 5hmC. The others are not yet tested.

Modification threshold

Base modification threshold can be set for mod-freq tool using -m option.

  1. 5mC modification(default context :CG) frequencies with threshold 0.8
  minimod mod-freq -c m -m 0.8 ref.fa reads.bam


If p(5mC) >=  0.8 (threshold),       called(5mC) and modified(5mC)
If p(5mC) <=  0.2 (1-threshold),     called(5mC)
else,                                ignored as ambiguous

mod_freq(5mC) = total_modified(5mC)/total_called(5mC)
  1. 5mC and 5hmC base modification(default context :CG) frequencies with thresholds 0.8, 0.7 respectively
  minimod mod-freq -c m,h -m 0.8,0.7 ref.fa reads.bam


If p(5mC)  >=  0.8 (threshold),      called(5mC) and modified(5mC)
If p(5mC)  <=  0.2 (1-threshold),    called(5mC)
else,                                ambiguous

mod_freq(5mC) = total_modified(5mC)/total_called(5mC)
If p(5hmC) >=  0.7 (threshold),      called(5hmC) and modified(5hmC)
If p(5hmC) <=  0.3 (1-threshold),    called(5hmC)
else,                                ignored as ambiguous

mod_freq(5hmC) = total_modified(5hmC)/total_called(5hmC)

Important !

Make sure that you handle the modification tags correctly in each step in base modification calling pipeline (e.g., providing both -y and -Y to minimap2). See the example pipeline that we use below.


  • Use a basecalling model trained to identify modified bases.

    Example: Base-calling a slow5 file using buttery-eel

    buttery-eel --call_mods --config dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_5khz_modbases_5hmc_5mc_cg_hac.cfg -i reads.slow5 -o reads.sam -g path/to/guppy/bin
    samtools fastq -TMM,ML reads.sam > reads.fastq


  • Avoid unmapped reads

  • Avoid secondary alignments

  • Use soft clipping for supplementary alignments

    Corresponding minimap2 flags are as follows.

    Minimap2 Flag Description
    --sam-hit-only Avoid unmapped reads
    -Y Use soft clipping for supplementary alignments
    -y Copy input FASTA/Q comments to output
    --secondary=no Avoid secondary alignments

    Example: aligning ONT reads using minimap2

    minimap2 -ax map-ont --sam-hit-only -Y -y --secondary=no ref.idx reads.fastq
  • If more than 90% of the reads in the BAM file are skipped due to various reasons (unmapped, 0 length, or missing MM/ML tags), minimod prints a warning message. However, if all of them are skipped minimod errors out.

  • If hard clipped non-primary alignments are found, minimod errors out. (to filter out non-primary alignments: samtools view -h -F 2308 reads.bam -o primary_reads.bam or use minimap2 with -Y to use soft clipping).

Limitations / Future Improvements

  • Does not support alignment BAM files with modification codes as numeric ChEBI codes in MM tag
  • Status of skipped bases (encoded as . or ? in MM tag) are ignored