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A tool for conducting a gene screen on assemblies, producing an SRST2-like output.


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Targeted gene detection for genome assemblies


This is a tool for conducting a gene detection in assemblies that are represented as contigs. It produces a table in the format of SRST2's compiled results. It is particularly useful when you want to screen for genes in samples where some of them have reads available while the others only have assemblies. For reads, you can use SRST2 to perform the gene screen; and for assemblies, you may use this script to produce results that can be compiled with those obtained from reads. Nonetheless, note that if you have both reads and assemblies for the same sample, it is preferable to use SRST2 on the reads instead of using this script on assemblies, as SRST2 has better sensitivity (variants may get lost for various reasons during the assembly process).

Although this tool is designed for detecting genes in haploid organisms, it is in principle applicable to other organisms as well. In addition, it can be used to detect other kinds of sequences, such as multi-gene loci, when the reference database is properly formatted.

Dependency: this tool is Python 2 and 3 compatible. It requires a local BLAST+ installation to conduct nucleotide-level gene searches.

Citation: Ryan R. Wick, Yu Wan, geneDetector, /~, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.893164.

This tool was called gene_screen_in_assemblies.

Arguments and options

python -h
       --assemblies ASSEMBLIES
       [ASSEMBLIES ...] --gene_db GENE_DB
       [--prefix PREFIX] [--suffix SUFFIX]
       [--outdir OUTDIR]
       [--min_coverage MIN_COVERAGE]
       [--max_divergence MAX_DIVERGENCE]
       [--algorithm ALGORITHM] [--mlst]
       [--max_overlapping_nt MAX_OVERLAPPING_NT]
  • --assemblies: FASTA files of all assemblies to screen. The sample name will be taken from the assembly filename (without the .fasta or .fa extension). If a BLAST database does not exist for each assembly (.nhr, .nin and .nsq files), then it will be made using makeblastdb. Since doing so creates new files, you will need write permission to the directory of the assembly.
  • --gene_db: a gene database to search for in the SRST2-compatible format.
  • --prefix: Output prefix for the table of results. It works in the same way as SRST2.
  • --suffix: Characters to be chopped off from the end of every assembly name in order to get a sample name. For example, strain is extracted from the file name strain_spades.fasta given --suffix '_spades.fasta'.
  • --outdir: Output directory for the table of results.
  • --min_coverage: the minimum allowed BLAST hit percent coverage for an allele (default = 90).
  • --max_divergence: the maximum allowed percent divergence between a BLAST hit and an allele sequence (default = 10).
  • --report_new_consensus: When matching alleles are not found, report the found alleles in this file (default: do not save allele sequences to file).
  • --report_all_consensus: Report all found alleles in this file (default: do not save allele sequences to file).
  • --algorithm: which BLAST+ algorithm to use for DNA sequence alignment (blastn, blastn-short, megablast or dc-megablast, default = megablast).
  • --mlst: Turn it on to find MLST (multi-locus sequence typing) genes.
  • --incl_alt: Flag it to include all putative alternative calls for each allele.
  • --max_overlapping_nt: Maximal number of overlapping nucleotides allowed to treat two hits as physically separate.
  • --del_blast: Flag it to avoid saving raw BLAST outputs.

Parallel gene screen through the SLURM queueing system

Another script,, is included to generate a series of SLURM jobs to efficiently run many gene screens in parallel, although the script is also able to handle multiple FASTA files (but in a series manner). Since this script produces a separate output table for each assembly, so a user may want to compile them together using SRST2 afterwards.


Assuming assembly files are named in the format of [sample name][suffix].fasta, and this tool is run with the correct --suffix specification.

There are four files generated for all samples when options --report_new_consensus, --report_all_consensus and --del_blast are turned on.

  • [prefix]__genes__[gene_db]__results.txt: gene profiles for all samples. It is equivalent to the compiled gene profiles produced by the SRST2 command python --prev_output.
  • [prefix].all_consensus_alleles.fasta: consensus sequences, namely, the alignments on sample contigs, of all samples.
  • [prefix].new_consensus_alleles.fasta: consensus sequences of all valid imperfect matches (namely, variants) from all samples.
  • [prefix]__blast__[gene_db]__results.txt: raw BLAST outputs with a header line attached for each sample.

This script makes output files for each sample, which is different from the behaviour of

  • [sample]_[prefix]__genes__[gene_db]__results.txt: a gene profile is generated for each sample.
  • [sample]_[prefix].all_consensus_alleles.fasta: consensus sequences of the current sample.
  • [sample]_[prefix].new_consensus_alleles.fasta: consensus sequences of variants from the current sample.
  • [sample name]__[sample name]_[prefix]__blast__[gene_db]__results.txt: raw BLAST outputs with a header line attached for the current sample.


1. Screening for the best allele call per gene

This example strictly follows the output format of SRST2 to make a single (but the best) allele call for each sequence cluster (representing a gene) in the reference gene database. In this example, the option --incl_alt is left off. --assemblies *.fasta --gene_db gene_db.fasta --algorithm blastn --output test --report_new_consensus

This command (1) screens every one of the assemblies (all *.fasta files) for each of the genes in resistance_genes.mfasta using blastn; (2) saves a table of results to test__genes__gene_db__results.txt; and (3) saves a FASTA file of any new alleles into new_alleles.fasta.

An example of reference gene databases
Sequences of this database are aligned against every assembly as queries.


For this tool, the important parts are the gene cluster name and the allele name, the second and third pieces of the sequence header delimited with double underlines "__". Ideally, every allele in your database has a unique name. If this is the case, this script's output table will use only the allele names. If it is not the case (i.e. there is at least one duplicate allele name in the database), then the output table will use a combination of the allele name and the allele unique ID (the last piece of the sequence header). This is the same behaviour as SRST2.

Example output table

Sample abcA abcB
sample1 abcA_1 abcB_1
sample2 abcA_1 abcB_2*
sample3 abcA_2 -

As is the case for SRST2:

  • Imperfect matches (containing at least one mismatch or indel) are indicated with '*' after the allele name.
  • Absent genes are indicated with '-'.

When no perfect allele match is present but there are multiple possible alleles (which satisfy the coverage and divergence thresholds), this script will choose the one with the highest BLAST bit score. Using the above table as an example, if sample2 matched abcB_1 with a bit score of 123.4 and abcB_2 with a bit score of 134.5, this script will choose abcB_2 and include a '*' to indicate the match was not exact.


This is a special case of calling the best alleles for a panel of seven genes given a reference DNA database. A script was developed to convert headers (also known as the sequence definition lines) of reference sequences into an SRST2-compatible format.

An example command is:

python --walltime '0-1:0:0' --outdir mlst --script --assemblies assemblies/*.fasta --gene_db mlst_db.fasta --prefix test --suffix ".fasta" --report_all_consensus --mlst > mlst.log

3. Screening for all valid alleles per gene

This is an extension of the SRST2 output format, where multiple allele calls are enabled for each cluster. This is particularly useful to identify all copy-number variants of each gene in assemblies (more powerful in finished-grade genomes). The option --incl_alt and the argument --max_overlapping_nt work together to control this utility. To be more specific, allele calls of the same cluster in the same sample are not overlapping by more than --max_overlapping_nt bp (accordingly they are considered as physically separated).

Example command lines
A single-job version for two assemblies

python --gene_db ARGannot_r2.fasta --prefix demo1 --suffix '_spades.fasta' --outdir genes --report_new_consensus --report_all_consensus --algorithm megablast --incl_alt --max_overlapping_nt 0 --assemblies strain1_spades.fasta strain2_spades.fasta

A parallel version for a large number of assemblies

python --script --algorithm megablast --walltime "0-0:30:0" --memory 1024 --partition project1 --bundle_name_prefix test --bundle_size 16 --outdir genes --assemblies data/assemblies/*.fasta --prefix demo2 --suffix '_spades.fasta' --gene_db ARGannot_r2.fasta --other_args "--incl_alt --max_overlapping_nt 0 --report_all_consensus" > gene_screen.log

Example output table

Sample abcA abcB
sample1 abcA_1,abcA_1*,abcA_1* abcB_1
sample2 abcA_1 abcB_2*,abc_2[2]
sample3 abcA_2*[2] -

This table illustrates that there are three alleles of the cluster abcA identified in the first sample, including an exact match to the abcA_1 sequence and two relevant variants of different sequences. The number within a pair of square brackets denotes the copy number of the exact sequence found in different places (either on different contigs or distinct positions of the same contig. The latter scenario is controlled by the --max_overlapping_nt argument) in the same sample. For instance, there are two copies of the same abcA_2 variants identified in the sample 3. The order of allele calls under each cluster depends on the Python iterator, and consensus sequences of the same sample are printed into a corresponding FASTA file in the same order.

The output *__gene__*.txt files can be compiled into a single table in the usual way with SRST2.


GNU General Public License, version 3


A tool for conducting a gene screen on assemblies, producing an SRST2-like output.








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  • Python 96.9%
  • Shell 3.1%