Code for paper: "LLIO: Lightweight Learned Inertial Odometer"
Install dependency use pip:
pip install torch einops numpy
The LLIO contained in the, and a unit test for illustration input and output are provided in this file.
model_para = {
"input_len": 100,
"input_channel": 6,
"patch_len": 25,
"feature_dim": 512,
"out_dim": 3,
"active_func": "GELU",
"extractor": { # include: Feature Convert & ResMLP Module in the paper Fig. 3.
"name": "ResMLP",
"layer_num": 6,
"expansion": 2,
"dropout": 0.2,
"reg": { # Regression in the paper Fig.3
"name": "MeanMLP",
# "name": "MaxMLP",
"layer_num": 3,
net = TwoLayerModel(model_para) # initialize the model
x = torch.rand([512, 6, 100]) # batch_size, input_channel, input_len,
y, y_cov = net(x) # output: [batch_size, 3], [batch_size, 3]
print('x:', x.shape, 'y', y.shape, 'y_cov', y_cov.shape)
Example output:
x: torch.Size([512, 6, 100]) y torch.Size([512, 3]) y_cov torch.Size([512, 3])
Thanks for TLIO [/~].
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.