The Hyperion plugin of DBFlowManager for viewing DBFlow databases in the app.
First, follow the README to set up DBFlow. Then, follow the README to set up Hyperion. Then, all you need to do is simply add the dependency of DBFlowManager Hyperion Plugin and DBFlowManager like this in app's build.gradle
dependencies {
// DBFlow Manager
implementation 'com.wajahatkarim3.DBFlowManager:DBFlowManager:3.1.1-v1'
// DBFLow Manager Hyperion Plugin
debugImplementation 'com.wajahatkarim3.dbflowmanager-hyperion-library:dbflowmanager-hyperion-library:1.0.4'
releaseImplementation 'com.wajahatkarim3.dbflowmanager-hyperion-library:dbflowmanager-hyperion-library-no-op:1.0.4'
Or add as a new dependency inside your pom.xml
Although, Hyperion will find the plugin automatically and add it to the list when you open the Hyperion drawer (as shown in the demo GIF above), but you need it tell the library about your database class. You can do it in your Application
file after the DBFlow configuration is set like this:
public class MyApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// DBFLow Configuration
FlowManager.init(new FlowConfig.Builder(this).build());
// ....
// Other configs like Retrofit, Dagger modules, Picasso, etc.
// ....
// Hyperion DBFlowManager Plugin Setup
DBFlowManager_Hyperion_Constants.setDatabaseName(getApplicationContext(), YOUR_APP_DB_FILE.class);
If you get any crash about calling FlowManager.init()
like this issue, then refer to this solution.
The key point here is that if you use kotlin for databases and tables, then use kapt
for DBFlow annotation processings.
- DBFlowManager /~
- DBFlow /~
- Hyperion /~
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