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Releases: wabiverse/SwiftUSD

v24.8.14 | Subterranean

01 Mar 12:12
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What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.14

Fedora stability, and ecosystem unification.


  • Fedora and CentOS Swift compiler stability.
  • Centralizes dependencies on the swift collective for ecosystem unification.
  • Fixes some newly propagated Linux compiler errors from various Ubuntu updates.
  • Expands the Swift APIs of Hydra, UsdImaging Engines, and Gf types.
  • Brings all UsdImaging to iOS and visionOS.
  • Adds HdTask stability with Swift.
  • No more dependencies on Boost or Python.

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.14")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev

v24.8.13 | Seismic

12 Feb 23:40
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.13

Bring all of UsdImaging to iOS and visionOS, expand on the Swift APIs of Hydra, Gf.


  • Fixes some newly propagated Linux compiler errors from various Ubuntu updates.
  • Expands the Swift APIs of Hydra, UsdImaging Engines, and Gf types.
  • Brings all UsdImaging to iOS and visionOS.
  • Adds HdTask stability with Swift.
  • Additional build stability & update to Python 3.12 on Linux.

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.13")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev


01 Dec 14:01
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.12

Add the Usd.References API for more cleaner reference management in Swift.


  • Added the Usd.References API for more cleaner reference management in swift.
  • Extended Usd.Stage in swift with setDefaultPrim(_:) and load(path:policy:).
  • Added Sdf.Reference, Sdf.LayerOffset, and Vt.Dictionary in swift.
  • Extended Usd.Prim in swift with getReferences().
  • Migrated Pixar.UsdListPosition and Pixar.UsdLoadPolicy to enum classes for syntactically cleaner swift cases.
  • Added new swift/c++ interop macros: SWIFT_UNCHECKED_SENDABLE and SWIFT_NONCOPYABLE.

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.12")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev


01 Dec 09:44
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.11

Add support for creating instances of UsdImagingGL.Engine from Swift.


  • Removed a dependency which may strangely break visionOS versions older than 2.

    • Note: the version of Xcode that GitHub actions is using is too old, but SwiftUSD successfully builds on visionOS v2 and later.
  • Temporarily remove the bundled stdlib shader resources from MaterialX, due to the metal shader compilation in Swift Bundler not yet being able to compile metal shaders contextualized within their source code tree, currently it's limited to just compiling them one by one (without any source code context, so includes within metal shaders and things fail until we get around to supporting that in the bundler).

    • Adds an additional patch to ensure the MXResources/libraries directory is fully excluded in SwiftPM, else errors to compile the shaders may still occur in some instances.
  • Add Swift support for UsdImagingGL.Engine.

  • Add Swift support for Gf.Frustum.

  • Fix various Microsoft Windows compilation errors, nearly bringing support for Microsoft Windows, all of the C/C++ side successfully builds, there's just a couple places where Swift/C++ interop on windows does not like the fact that smart pointers are used on types also marked with SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE (also known as reference pointers), which allegedly "is not currently supported in C++ interop", however Swift currently supports this just fine on all other platforms (all Darwin platforms as well as on Linux), so this needs revisiting.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.11")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev


29 Nov 15:27
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.10

Add support for creating instances of UsdImagingGL.Engine from Swift.


  • Temporarily remove the bundled stdlib shader resources from MaterialX, due to the metal shader compilation in Swift Bundler not yet being able to compile metal shaders contextualized within their source code tree, currently it's limited to just compiling them one by one (without any source code context, so includes within metal shaders and things fail until we get around to supporting that in the bundler).

    • Adds an additional patch to ensure the MXResources/libraries directory is fully excluded in SwiftPM, else errors to compile the shaders may still occur in some instances.
  • Add Swift support for UsdImagingGL.Engine.

  • Add Swift support for Gf.Frustum.

  • Fix various Microsoft Windows compilation errors, nearly bringing support for Microsoft Windows, all of the C/C++ side successfully builds, there's just a couple places where Swift/C++ interop on windows does not like the fact that smart pointers are used on types also marked with SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE (also known as reference pointers), which allegedly "is not currently supported in C++ interop", however Swift currently supports this just fine on all other platforms (all Darwin platforms as well as on Linux), so this needs revisiting.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.10")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev


29 Nov 15:07
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.9

Add support for creating instances of UsdImagingGL.Engine from Swift.


  • Temporarily remove the bundled stdlib shader resources from MaterialX, due to the metal shader compilation in Swift Bundler not yet being able to compile metal shaders contextualized within their source code tree, currently it's limited to just compiling them one by one (without any source code context, so includes within metal shaders and things fail until we get around to supporting that in the bundler).

  • Add Swift support for UsdImagingGL.Engine.

  • Add Swift support for Gf.Frustum.

  • Fix various Microsoft Windows compilation errors, nearly bringing support for Microsoft Windows, all of the C/C++ side successfully builds, there's just a couple places where Swift/C++ interop on windows does not like the fact that smart pointers are used on types also marked with SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE (also known as reference pointers), which allegedly "is not currently supported in C++ interop", however Swift currently supports this just fine on all other platforms (all Darwin platforms as well as on Linux), so this needs revisiting.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.9")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev


26 Nov 15:01
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.8

Add support for creating instances of UsdImagingGL.Engine from Swift.


  • Add Swift support for UsdImagingGL.Engine.

  • Add Swift support for Gf.Frustum.

  • Fix various Microsoft Windows compilation errors, nearly bringing support for Microsoft Windows, all of the C/C++ side successfully builds, there's just a couple places where Swift/C++ interop on windows does not like the fact that smart pointers are used on types also marked with SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE (also known as reference pointers), which allegedly "is not currently supported in C++ interop", however Swift currently supports this just fine on all other platforms (all Darwin platforms as well as on Linux), so this needs revisiting.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.8")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev


16 Sep 18:41
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.7

Add support for creating instances of UsdImagingGL.Engine entirely in Swift.


  • Thanks to the mighty @dgovil, his PR to OpenUSD has brought support for USD's imaging libraries to iOS & visionOS. 🎉

  • Bring in OpenUSD's ObjC implementation of HgiMetal, previously migrated to C++ to handle all retain/release calls because @furby-tm was not knowledgeable that having ARC enabled in ObjC code was powerful enough to handle all retain/release calls automatically. 😅

  • Corrected imports in (.glslfx) files (NOTE: none of this is tested, utilize these at your own peril until the USDView application in this repo is fully implemented, and I have had a chance to test it).

  • Fixed duplicated Garch source.

  • Ensuring HgiInterop compiles in ObjC (not C++!) mode on apple platforms.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL
  • Hotfix for the <functional> header not being included in HdSt/glslProgram.h.

  • Bump SwiftSyntax to Swift 5.10, as we prepare to introduce the SwiftCrossUI dependency, to build a cross-platform UsdView application completely in Swift.

  • Removed SwiftBundler as a package dependency from MetaverseKit, we are working on getting the bundler in shape to build cross-platform apps (namely SwiftUSD & UsdView) across Linux, visionOS, iOS, macOS, and Windows, the recommended method to use the bundler is for users to install the bundler locally following these instructions.

  • Fixes any build issues on macOS and Linux after the recent changes to MetaverseKit to allow for Microsoft Windows support.

    • Nothing yet to report on Microsoft Windows (or Wasm) support, this is being worked on and will be coming in a future release of SwiftUSD.
  • Fixes all threading issues which caused crashing when reading and writing binary usd files (.usd, .usdc).

  • Fix a iOS build error related to incorrectly trying to link OpenGL (thanks @felfoldy!).

  • Supports building SwiftUSD with projects like Vapor for Swift on Server.

  • Allow creation/retrieval of USD stages from stage cache.

    • See this working example to learn how to work with UsdStageCache in Swift.
  • Examples application (beginning a repository of example use cases).

  • Various initial work around creating an OpenUSD version upgrader/downgrader.

  • Begin work for allowing proper subclassing and inheritance overrides of C++ virtual methods from Swift.

  • Adds a new optional parameter to Pixar.Bundler, in order to allow for explicit runtime auto-installation of all USD plugins when setting installPlugins: true (a requirement on iOS and visionOS devices)

    // usage like so:
    Pixar.Bundler.shared.setup(.resources, installPlugins: true)

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.6")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev

v24.8.6 | iOS & visionOS

09 Sep 14:15
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.6

Add support for USD imaging on iOS & visionOS.


  • Thanks to the mighty @dgovil, his PR to OpenUSD has brought support for USD's imaging libraries to iOS & visionOS. 🎉

  • Bring in OpenUSD's ObjC implementation of HgiMetal, previously migrated to C++ to handle all retain/release calls because @furby-tm was not knowledgeable that having ARC enabled in ObjC code was powerful enough to handle all retain/release calls automatically. 😅

  • Corrected imports in (.glslfx) files (NOTE: none of this is tested, utilize these at your own peril until the USDView application in this repo is fully implemented, and I have had a chance to test it).

  • Fixed duplicated Garch source.

  • Ensuring HgiInterop compiles in ObjC (not C++!) mode on apple platforms.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL
  • Hotfix for the <functional> header not being included in HdSt/glslProgram.h.

  • Bump SwiftSyntax to Swift 5.10, as we prepare to introduce the SwiftCrossUI dependency, to build a cross-platform UsdView application completely in Swift.

  • Removed SwiftBundler as a package dependency from MetaverseKit, we are working on getting the bundler in shape to build cross-platform apps (namely SwiftUSD & UsdView) across Linux, visionOS, iOS, macOS, and Windows, the recommended method to use the bundler is for users to install the bundler locally following these instructions.

  • Fixes any build issues on macOS and Linux after the recent changes to MetaverseKit to allow for Microsoft Windows support.

    • Nothing yet to report on Microsoft Windows (or Wasm) support, this is being worked on and will be coming in a future release of SwiftUSD.
  • Fixes all threading issues which caused crashing when reading and writing binary usd files (.usd, .usdc).

  • Fix a iOS build error related to incorrectly trying to link OpenGL (thanks @felfoldy!).

  • Supports building SwiftUSD with projects like Vapor for Swift on Server.

  • Allow creation/retrieval of USD stages from stage cache.

    • See this working example to learn how to work with UsdStageCache in Swift.
  • Examples application (beginning a repository of example use cases).

  • Various initial work around creating an OpenUSD version upgrader/downgrader.

  • Begin work for allowing proper subclassing and inheritance overrides of C++ virtual methods from Swift.

  • Adds a new optional parameter to Pixar.Bundler, in order to allow for explicit runtime auto-installation of all USD plugins when setting installPlugins: true (a requirement on iOS and visionOS devices)

    // usage like so:
    Pixar.Bundler.shared.setup(.resources, installPlugins: true)

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.6")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev

v24.8.5 | Metal 🤘

09 Sep 05:33
Choose a tag to compare

What's New

🎧swift on.

SwiftUSD v24.8.5

Match HgiMetal ObjC implementation with OpenUSD.


  • Bring in OpenUSD's ObjC implementation of HgiMetal, previously migrated to C++ to handle all retain/release calls because @furby-tm was not knowledgeable that having ARC enabled in ObjC code was powerful enough to handle all retain/release calls automatically. 😅

  • Corrected imports in (.glslfx) files (NOTE: none of this is tested, utilize these at your own peril until the USDView application in this repo is fully implemented, and I have had a chance to test it).

  • Fixed duplicated Garch source.

  • Ensuring HgiInterop compiles in ObjC (not C++!) mode on apple platforms.

  • Bring over the main USD imaging libraries to Swift.

    • HdAr
    • HdMtlx
    • HdSi
    • HdSt
    • Hdx
    • UsdImaging
    • UsdImagingGL
  • Hotfix for the <functional> header not being included in HdSt/glslProgram.h.

  • Bump SwiftSyntax to Swift 5.10, as we prepare to introduce the SwiftCrossUI dependency, to build a cross-platform UsdView application completely in Swift.

  • Removed SwiftBundler as a package dependency from MetaverseKit, we are working on getting the bundler in shape to build cross-platform apps (namely SwiftUSD & UsdView) across Linux, visionOS, iOS, macOS, and Windows, the recommended method to use the bundler is for users to install the bundler locally following these instructions.

  • Fixes any build issues on macOS and Linux after the recent changes to MetaverseKit to allow for Microsoft Windows support.

    • Nothing yet to report on Microsoft Windows (or Wasm) support, this is being worked on and will be coming in a future release of SwiftUSD.
  • Fixes all threading issues which caused crashing when reading and writing binary usd files (.usd, .usdc).

  • Fix a iOS build error related to incorrectly trying to link OpenGL (thanks @felfoldy!).

  • Supports building SwiftUSD with projects like Vapor for Swift on Server.

  • Allow creation/retrieval of USD stages from stage cache.

    • See this working example to learn how to work with UsdStageCache in Swift.
  • Examples application (beginning a repository of example use cases).

  • Various initial work around creating an OpenUSD version upgrader/downgrader.

  • Begin work for allowing proper subclassing and inheritance overrides of C++ virtual methods from Swift.

  • Adds a new optional parameter to Pixar.Bundler, in order to allow for explicit runtime auto-installation of all USD plugins when setting installPlugins: true (a requirement on iOS and visionOS devices)

    // usage like so:
    Pixar.Bundler.shared.setup(.resources, installPlugins: true)

Thank you, to those who make great things possible.


To use this release of Pixar's USD in your swift project, add the following to the dependencies section in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.10

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "/~", from: "24.8.5")

The Wabi Foundation uses SwiftUSD to build the Kraken metaversal creation suite, you can always find an up to date configuration to use for your own Swift project here.


For Linux, these are the only dependencies required, as MetaverseKit provides everything else.


If you are on a distro like Ubuntu there is a good chance you already have most of these installed.


If you have installed TBB on your Linux system, it will break the entire std library on Linux, so you must ensure you do not have TBB installed on your system via (ex. sudo apt remove libtbb-dev), (pending this PR to Swift to fix this).

Dependency CentOS Ubuntu
Boost boost-devel libboost-all-dev
Python python3-devel python3-dev
BZ2 bzip2-devel libbz2-dev
ZLib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
FreeGLUT freeglut-devel freeglut3-dev
DEFLATE libdeflate-devel libdeflate-dev
Expat libexpat-devel libexpat1-dev
Xcursor libXcursor-devel libxcursor-dev
Xt libXt-devel libxt-dev
Xi libXi-devel libxi-dev
Xinerama libXinerama-devel libxinerama-dev
Xrandr libXrandr-devel libxrandr-dev