Simple classifieds board in laravel 8 with bootstrap, CRUD, authentication and image file upload.
Things you need to install.
- Clone repository using command
git clone /~
- Change working directory using command
cd classifieds-board-in-laravel
- Run command
composer install
- Run command
npm install & npm run dev
- Copy file
and name it to.env
- Update db credentials (DB_*) at file
and create database - Run command
php artisan key:generate
- Run command
php artisan migrate
- Run website by running command
php artisan serve
- Access your website url (for example: http://localhost:8000/)
Project has custom commands.
Deletes advertisements that are older than specified age in days (default value: 30)
commands examples:
php artisan delete-old-ads
php artisan delete-old-ads 60
php artisan delete-old-ads 0
- first command deletes advertisements that are older than 30 days.
- second command deletes advertisements that are older than 60 days
- third command deletes all advertisements